On 2016-05-02 18:34, "netmod on behalf of Juergen Schoenwaelder"
<netmod-boun...@ietf.org on behalf of
j.schoenwael...@jacobs-university.de> wrote:

>On Fri, Feb 05, 2016 at 05:22:03PM +0000, Robert Wilton wrote:
>> 2. Personally, for a datastore solution, I would prefer if the new
>> datastore was for the intended configuration, and that the applied
>> configuration was stored in the same datastore (running?) as all the
>> rest of the operational state.
>The running datastore is a configuration datastore, it does not hold
>operational state.
>> If the logical flows of system information is as follows:
>>  [candidate] -> intended cfg -> applied cfg -> derived state
>> Then it seems strange to bundle intended cfg & derived state together
>> one datastore, and to have applied-cfg separate (a bit like an unwanted
>> step child).
>This is not what is being proposed. We always had
>[candidate] -> [running] -> operational state
>(and I mark configuration data stores in []). Both [candidate] and
>[running] have the same configuration data model. Now we are asked
>to expose that [running] may not be applied synchronously and hence
>[candidate] -> [running] -> [applied] -> derived state
>seems to make sense.

The mapping of what is called intended-config onto data stores would
deserve more detailed discussion. It seems the authors of this draft had
in mind to associate intended-cfg with the [running] datastore. With that
mapping, a failure in applying [running] to [applied] will update the
[running] datastore to reflect which part is effectively applied. So a
fair representation of that case would be:
[candidate] -> [running] <--> [applied] -> derived state

In the context of intended configuration however that doesn¹t make sense
to me. A failure in applying intended configuration doesn¹t change the
intention and the delta between intended and applied-config is the key
value. A server that would "clean-up² intended-cfg in presence of a
failure to apply would look picture perfect instead of exposing the
problem clearly. Hence the sequence should more look like:
[candidate] -> [intended] ‹> [running==applied] -> derived state

Whatever we choose, I believe we need to spell out what¹s the data in a
failure case. It¹s probably a bit late to update the requirements draft,
but we can probably find a suitable place.

>> 5. Am I correct to presume that this draft doesn't provide any support
>> to return intended config, applied config & derived state all in a
>> single request?  I appreciate that this isn't included as a formal
>> requirement - but part of me wonders whether this might have been an
>> oversight in the requirements.
>Can be defines easily as another RPC. That said, I heard that some big
>vendors even refuse to implement today's get operation that returns
>the combination of [running] and operational state.
>> 6. I can understand the decision of get-diff to reuse edit-config or
>> YANG patch,  but I'm not sure that this makes it particularly easy for
>> clients to then process that data.  I might be wrong, but I suspect
>> a solution that returns the values of the intended and applied config
>> nodes in an easier to relate way may be preferable (perhaps something
>> along the lines of the encoding proposed in
>> draft-wilton-netmod-opstate-yang).
>A diff is a way to make delta's efficient.
>Juergen Schoenwaelder           Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
>Phone: +49 421 200 3587         Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
>Fax:   +49 421 200 3103         <http://www.jacobs-university.de/>
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