On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 11:15:28AM +0000, tom p. wrote:
> Lada, Robert
> The other angle from which this might be approached is that the I-D
> already says
> "   Using the "type" statement, a type is specified for the annotation
>    value according to the same rules as for YANG "leaf" type. "
> while rfc6020bis says
> "   The "leaf" statement is used to define a scalar variable of a
>    particular built-in or derived type."
> so if you know your YANG off by heart, then you will know that
> annotations must be scalar.  I agree that the text needs to be clearer.
> Perhaps,
> "   o  annotations are scalar values and cannot be further structured;"
> "Annotations obey the same rules as for a YANG "leaf" type [rfc6020bis
> s.7.6] and so are limited to scalar variables."

There is no 'leaf type' in YANG. YANG has leaf nodes in the schema
tree. An annotation is not a node in the schema tree. Perhaps
something like this:

  An annotation carries a single value. The type substatement, which
  must be present, takes as an argument the name of an existing
  built-in or derived type and the value of the annotation must match
  this type. See Section 7.4 of [RFC6020bis] for details.


Juergen Schoenwaelder           Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
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