(I've not received some of the discussion e-mails, so I am just now

Ladislav Lhotka <lho...@nic.cz> writes:
> This follows from the fact that YANG doesn't support mixed content:
> there is no way how this whitespace can be made significant.

It seems to me that this is the restriction that should be stated:  "In
NETCONF XML, non-whitespace character content is only allowed as content
of elements that provide values.  Non-whitespace character content in
other locations is ignored."  (Maybe XML defines a better way to say

Of course, this is a general statement about the XML encoding, not about
any specific Yang element.

> What about comments and processing instructions?

My understanding is that comments are always allowed, because they're
understood to be deleted by the XML parsing process.  Processing
instructions seem to be defined to be significant.  I would assume that
by default no processing instructions are allowed unless Netconf defines


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