At this point, I think there are some aspects of the use of strings and
identifiers that aren't completely specified, but I'd have to check the
current text to know for certain.  However, that's a minor matter.

The issue that concerns me is that the ABNF doesn't specify what is
allowed as a string.  I'm used to programming language definitions,
where the grammar is specified quite rigidly, to the point that the ABNF
can be input to a parser generator.  In this document, the ABNF is quite
complete except for a specification of strings.  On the other hand, the
text description of strings seems to be sufficient for an implementer,
so we don't actually need to provide ABNF.  My strong preference is to
provide a complete ABNF, as is the norm for programming languages.

The following is a complete ABNF for Yang strings.  Of course, it's a
bit complicated, because the definition of strings in Yang actually is a
bit complicated.

   string              = unquoted-string / quoted-string

   unquoted-string     = *unquoted-item ( unquoted-item /
                                          "/" /
                                          "*" *"*" )
                         ;; a sequence of one or more characters from
                         ;; ordinary-char / "/" / "*", not containing
                         ;; "//", "/*", or "*/"

   unquoted-item       = ordinary-char /
                         "/" ordinary-char /
                         "*" *"*" ordinary-char

   ordinary-char       = < any character matching yang-char, except >
                         < space, tab, newline, carriage return,    >
                         < semicolon, left brace, right brace,      >
                         < slash, and asterisk                      >

*** Hmmm, is an unaccompanied CR allowed in an unquoted string?  If
so, "ordinary-char" and my previous text regarding line breaks need
to be amended.

   quoted-string      = ( single-quoted-string / double-quoted-string )
                        *( optsep "+" optsep
                           ( single-quoted-string / double-quoted-string ) )

(I think you said that there can be whitespace around + but not comments.)

   single-quoted-string = SQUOTE *sq-char SQUOTE

   sq-char            = < any character matching yang-char, except >
                        < SQUOTE                                   >

   double-quoted-string = DQUOTE *dq-item DQUOTE

   dq-item            = dq-char /
                        "\n" /
                        "\t" /
                        "\" DQUOTE /

   dq-char            = < any character matching yang-char, except >
                        < DQUOTE and backslash                     >

(The existing production for yang-string is removed.)

   ;; any Unicode or ISO/IEC 10646 character including tab, carriage
   ;; return, and line feed, but excluding the other C0 control
   ;; characters, the surrogate blocks, and the noncharacters.
   yang-char = %x09 / %x0A / %x0D / %x20-D7FF /
   [continuing as before]


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