
The NETMOD Working Group has formed the Updated YANG Datastore Design Team. The mandate for the DT is to build on the drafts [1] and [2] and discussions related to using a conceptual datastore-based approach to support <applied> vs <intended> configuration, and deliver a baseline individual draft for discussion by the Working Group prior to the next IETF (IETF 97, Seoul). The proposed solution should also take into consideration support for ephemeral state as documented by the I2RS Working Group. The published individual draft will be discussed and progressed per normal WG process.

The DT has limited membership and will choose how it works to produce its draft. For example, the DT may choose to publicize their calls/progress or not. We recognize that not all who have contributed to this discussion are identified as DT members. Those who are willing to provide input to the DT should contact them directly. The DT mailing list is Keep in mind that there will be plenty of opportunity for input, per normal WG process, once the DT's individual draft is published and once there is a WG draft accepted on this topic.

The members of the DT are:
Martin Bjorklund <>
Christian Hopps <>
Juergen Schoenwaelder <>
Phil Shafer <> -- Lead
Robert Wilton <>


Lou and Kent

netmod mailing list

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