"Dale R. Worley" <wor...@ariadne.com> writes:

> Andy Bierman <a...@yumaworks.com> writes:
>> Using a key of type empty is utterly pointless unless the point
>> is to make the instance identifier longer.
> IMO using a key of type empty (or any type with only one value) is
> *pointless* but should be *valid*.  Things should be valid unless
> processing them according to the ordinary rules can't work.  Indeed,
> specifically banning them increases the complexity of the
> specification.


There is no need to ban keys with type "empty", XPath and everything
works fine if other YANG rules are followed.


> The reason for this is that the code (in this case, the module
> definition) may be generated by an automatic process, and those
> processes are easier to construct if the rules contain fewer
> irregularities.  E.g., multiplying a number by zero is pointless, in
> that the result is always zero, and one might ask, Why not just write 0
> instead of the multiplication?  But everyone agrees that the statement
>     a = 0 * b;
> is *valid*, and can easily imagine situations where a process might
> generate it as an output.
>>> Unless I'm off, the line should be fixed to avoid the string
>>> conversion:
>>>          /ex:system/ex:service[ex:name='foo'][ex:enabled]
>>> and a negation should be:
>>>          /ex:system/ex:service[ex:name='foo'][not(ex:enabled)]
>> There is only one value provided by type empty.  The 2nd instance
>> identifier is invalid.
>> There is no instance possible that does not include the 'enabled' leaf.
> The 2nd instance identifier is (should be) *valid* even if it always
> returns the empty set.  (Assuming it is used in contexts where a set can
> be returned.)
> Dale
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