>        Title           : A YANG Data Model for Syslog Configuration

I've a few questions:

- The description says that the "facility/no-facility" case/leaf
is used "o effectively disable a particular log-action".  Why not
make an explicit "disable" leaf instead?  Using no-facilities like
this is confusing.

- Why use an explicit/mandatory selector node instead of making
this implicit, with the lack of a selector meaning match all?

- compare-op: we've always tried to use full words; would this be
better as "compare-operation" or just "compare"?

- equals-or-higher: you might want to explain that this is the
default even in the absence of the "select-sev-compare" feature.
(I'm assuming this is true.)

- You use "facility" as both a case and a list under selector-facility.
This seems confusing and misleading.

- "structured-data": says "describes how log messages are written
to the log file" but it applies to more than log files.

- Consider making "syslog-sign" into "signing-options" or something
similar, to be more clear.  The "syslog-" prefix is not needed,
since the reader knows we are talking about syslog, and the "sign"
is not clear.  Then you can remove the "sig-" prefix on the child

- The "session" name is not clear, since there are many sort of
sessions; would "local-users" be better?

- What purpose for the "actions" container serve?  Can it be removed?

- "buffer" should be a feature, since many platforms do not implement it.

- How does an implementation specify the set of valid characters usable
for user names?

- Many networking devices have special tags at the front of their
messages, indicating the specific message.  For example "%ASA-1-104001"
these are specific SD-PARAMS when SD is used.  Is there a way to
filter using theses tags, or more generic SD-PARAMS?


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