The IESG has approved the following document:
- 'A YANG Data Model for Routing Management'
  (draft-ietf-netmod-routing-cfg-25.txt) as Proposed Standard

This document is the product of the NETCONF Data Modeling Language
Working Group.

The IESG contact persons are Benoit Claise and Joel Jaeggli.

A URL of this Internet Draft is:

Technical Summary

   This document contains a specification of three YANG modules and one
   submodule.  Together they form the core routing data model which
   serves as a framework for configuring and managing a routing
   subsystem.  It is expected that these modules will be augmented by
   additional YANG modules defining data models for control plane
   protocols, route filters and other functions.  The core routing data
   model provides common building blocks for such extensions -- routes,
   routing information bases (RIB), and control plane protocols.

Working Group Summary

   This document has been discussed for a very long time within the
   WG.  At this point it has received extensive reviews and has solid
   consensus behind it.  One notable objection can be found [1].  Some of
   the points are raised and are in the rough, others are addressed in
   other ways.

Document Quality

   This set of documents received extensive review within the working
   group and ample time was spent to review and reconsider all design
   choices. The document has been reviewed by Martin Bjorklund, who
   is also a YANG doctor. Since the document is heavily touching on
   routing, specific review was requested (by a previous chair) and lead to
   a number of changes and another co-author being added to the document.

   Multiple implementations are reportedly underway.


   Lou Berger is the document shepherd.
   Benoit Claise is the responsible area director.

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