Robert Wilton <> wrote:
> Hi,
> The definition of "status" in RFC 7950 in section 7.21.2 (full text
> below), states:
> If no status is specified, the default is "current".
> From my interpretation of the text in the draft, this implies that the
> status of the "new" child leaf in the following example is "current",
> and that this example is allowed!
> My questions are:
>  - Is my interpretation of the current text correct?


>  - Is this actually the best behaviour, or should it inherit like the
>    config statement?

I think the idea was that if the status != current, it is better for
the reader if it is explicitly stated.

>  Should I raise an errata for this?


However, we could have said that a current node under a deprecated
node (etc) in the same module is an error, in order to force people
(through the useage of YANG validators) to detect and fix this.


> container old {
>   status deprecated;
>   leaf new {
>     description "what status do I have?";
>   }
> }
> Thanks,
> Rob
> Full 7.21.2 text from 7950:
> 7.21.2.  The "status" Statement
>    The "status" statement takes as an argument one of the strings
>    "current", "deprecated", or "obsolete".
>    o  "current" means that the definition is current and valid.
>    o  "deprecated" indicates an obsolete definition, but it permits
>       new/continued implementation in order to foster interoperability
>       with older/existing implementations.
>    o  "obsolete" means that the definition is obsolete and SHOULD NOT be
>       implemented and/or can be removed from implementations.
>    If no status is specified, the default is "current".
>    If a definition is "current", it MUST NOT reference a "deprecated" or
>    "obsolete" definition within the same module.
>    If a definition is "deprecated", it MUST NOT reference an "obsolete"
>    definition within the same module.
>    For example, the following is illegal:
>      typedef my-type {
>        status deprecated;
>        type int32;
>      }
>      leaf my-leaf {
>        status current;
>        type my-type; // illegal, since my-type is deprecated
>      }

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