> On 10 Jan 2017, at 02:30, Robert Varga <n...@hq.sk> wrote:
> On 01/09/2017 11:32 PM, Andy Bierman wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 2:26 PM, Alex Campbell
>> <alex.campb...@aviatnet.com <mailto:alex.campb...@aviatnet.com>> wrote:
>>    I don't see how a "when" statement modified by a deviation is any
>>    more complicated to implement than a "when" statement outside of a
>>    deviation - presuming that augments and deviations are processed
>>    before "when" statements.
>> augments and deviations are processed once when the module is loaded.
>> A when-stmt is processed anytime the value of the XPath boolean result
>> changes. 
> Right, but that also means that processing a 'deviate add { when ... }'
> would occur only once, after which the cost would be the same as if that
> when statement was present in the original definition.

I agree.

> In any case, the same effect can be achieved by deviate-adding an
> appropriate must statement -- which seems appropriate, as presumably you
> want to restrict the leaf from becoming 'true' rather than enforce it
> not being available at all.

Yes, except that a "when" constraint is stronger - it has to be satisfied in 
all trees whereas "must" only in a valid tree (sec. 8.1 of RFC 7950).


> Regards,
> Robert
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