On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 2:54 AM, Robert Wilton <rwil...@cisco.com> wrote:

> Hi Dale,
> On 15/03/2017 19:02, Dale R. Worley wrote:
>> JOEY BOYD <joey.b...@adtran.com> writes:
>>> module base-module {
>>>    prefix bmod;
>>>    feature do-things;
>>>    container things {
>>>      if-feature do-things;
>>>      ...
>>>    }
>>> }
>>> module augment-module {
>>>    prefix amod;
>>>    augment "/bmod:do-things" {
>>>      container other-things {
>>>      }
>>>    }
>>> }
>> First question:  I'm not expert in Yang, but as far as I can figure out,
>> the augment statement is augmenting "container things", right?  So the
>> augment statement should be 'augment "/bmod:things"' not 'augment
>> "/bmod:do-things"'.
> Yes, the augment should be to "things".
>> But on the important question, I don't see it as at all unreasonable
>> that the augment needs to be qualified by the same if-feature.  The
>> reason is that if you're reading the text of module augment-module, it's
>> helpful to have documented, right there, that the augmentation depends
>> on the presence of a particular feature in the augmented module.  And
>> it's helpful to know that the designer did, at least for one moment,
>> think about the fact that the augmentation is conditional.
> It isn't just any if-feature on the container that is being augmented that
> needs to be considered.  You would have to consider all if-feature
> statements by walking up the augmented node's ancestors to the top of the
> tree and combine them, or have multiple if-feature statements.
> Further, the 7950 YANG update rules allow for the augmented module to be
> revised and some of those if-feature statements to be subsequently
> removed.  If the augmenting module had restated the if-feature conditions
> then this would probably leave the augmenting module unintentionally out of
> sync with the module that it is augmenting.
> In short, I think that if-feature statements work better if they act on
> the given node and all descendant nodes, regardless of which module those
> descendants are defined in.
"work better"

Please explain which protocol you are using that allows you to manage
descendant nodes of unimplemented nodes.

NETCONF and RESTCONF do not work at all wrt/ accessing such nodes.

> Rob

>> Dale
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