On 21/03/2017 10:49, Ladislav Lhotka wrote:
On 21 Mar 2017, at 11:25, Juergen Schoenwaelder 
<j.schoenwael...@jacobs-university.de> wrote:


if we want to standardize tree diagrams, we may want to take a more
critical look at them, in particular the flags (that were created
ad-hoc and in resemblance to MIB tree diagrams). pyang --tree-help

  <flags> is one of:
    rw  for configuration data
    ro  for non-configuration data
    -x  for rpcs and actions
    -n  for notifications

This is (a) incomlete and (b) somewhat confusing since ct does not
equate to readwrite. I am attaching a sample yang file and here is the
output pyang 1.7.1 produces:

module: tree-sample
    +--rw config-true-container
    |  +--rw param?   string
    +--ro config-false-container
    |  +--ro value?   string
    +--rw inline-action
    |  +---x action
    |     +---- oops?     string
    |     +---w input
    |     |  +---w in?   string
    |     +--ro output
    |        +--ro out?   string
    +--rw inline-notification
       +---n notification
          +---- duration?   string

    +---x rpc
       +---w input
       |  +---w in?   string
       +--ro output
       |  +--ro out?   string
       +--ro oops?     string

    +---n notification
       +--ro boom?   string

I think a better usage of two letter flags would have been this (since
it more naturally aligns with what the YANG definition says):

  <flags> is one of:
    ct  for configuration data
    cf  for non-configuration data
    x-  for rpcs and actions
    xi  for rpc or action input
    xo  for rpc or action output
    n-  for notifications
    nt  for notification tree (this is I think the term 7950 uses)
Inside notifications and operations, "cf" carries no information and just clutters the output. My 
suggestion is to use "ct" or just "c" for config=true data and nothing elsewhere.
Do, we also actually need the 'xi', 'xo', or 'nt' at all? Would these be obvious from the paths anyway?

I think that having less symbols on the diagram may make it easier to parse, and perhaps less likely for the lines to wrap.

So I am suggesting perhaps just having:

 <flags> is one of:
   c  for configuration data
   x  for rpcs and actions
   n  for notifications
module: tree-sample
   +--c config-true-container
   |  +--c param?   string
   +--- config-false-container
   |  +-- value?   string
   +--c inline-action
   |  +--x- action
   |     +--x input
   |     |  +--x in?   string
   |     +--x output
   |        +--x out?   string
   +--c inline-notification
      +--n notification
         +--n duration?   string




module: tree-sample
    +--ct config-true-container
    |  +--ct param?   string
    +--cf config-false-container
    |  +--cf value?   string
    +--ct inline-action
    |  +--x- action
    |     +--xi input
    |     |  +--xi in?   string
    |     +--xo output
    |        +--xo out?   string
    +--ct inline-notification
       +--n- notification
          +--nt duration?   string

    +--x- rpc
       +--xi input
       |  +--xi in?   string
       +--ro output
          +--xo out?   string

    +--n- notification
       +--nt boom?   string

(And I think the oops leafs should have triggered an error.)


Juergen Schoenwaelder           Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
Phone: +49 421 200 3587         Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
Fax:   +49 421 200 3103         <http://www.jacobs-university.de/>
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