Hi Robert,

Thank you for the answer.

If the current IEEE 802.3 project (cp) is not chartered to make changes in
Clause 30 - these cannot be done, and you need a new project for this
purpose. Take this into consideration, as this may become a dependency and
a gating issue for the project timelines. I suggest that you discuss this
with the IEEE 802.3 chair David Law. I am also copying Russ who is now in
charge with the IETF - IEEE relationship to make sure that he is aware
about the issue.



On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 5:36 PM, Robert Wilton <rwil...@cisco.com> wrote:

> Hi Dan,
> On 23/03/2017 07:56, Dan Romascanu wrote:
> Hi,
> I largely agree with the proposals of the team.
> I have only one comment / clarification related to the RMON objects which
> are proposed to be transferred under IEEE 802.3cp. As far as I remember
> there are some differences between the definitions in the RMON MIB for some
> of the objects and the Clause 30 definitions.
> Unfortunately, yes there are differences.
> What is the approach that you propose to take?
> I'm trying to rationalize them all together (at least for the parts of the
> MIB that we want to carry forward into YANG).
> Please see attached for a spreadsheet that shows the relationship between
> the proposed 802.3 YANG counters, the existing MIBs (IFMIB, RMON, and
> ETHERNET-LIKE), and 802.3 clause 30.  This doesn't yet cover the counters
> that I plan on adding to draft-ietf-netmod-intf-ext-yang-04 (Drop due to
> invalid destination MAC, of RMON style histogram counters).
> There will also be some text added to the 802.3cf draft that should
> explain the relationship, possibly some of it may be lifted directly from
> 802.3.1.
> Include in IEEE 802.3cp only those objects that strictly conform to Clause
> 30 definitions, or modify / add definitions in Clause 30 in order to
> accommodate all the RMON statistics? If the later approach is to be taken -
> is IEEE 802.3cp chartered to make changes or add new definitions in Clause
> 30 of IEEE 802.3?
> A bit of both - mostly the former approach, but with a few missing
> counters hopefully added to clause 30.
> Specifically, I hoping that the following counters can be added to clause
> 30:
>  Row 17: In PFC frames (used in  ETHERLIKE MIB dot3HCInPFCFrames)
>  Row 18: Out PFC frames (used in ETHERLIKE MIB dot3HCOutPFCFrames)
>  Row 19: Total Octets received (good & bad) (used in RMON MIB
> etherStatsOctets)
>  Row 25: Frames dropped as being too short. (combined value of two RMON
> MIB counters (etherStatsUndersizePkts + etherStatsFragments))
> I think that in principal there is some support for adding these to clause
> 30, and the appropriate folks in 802.3 will work out the easiest/best
> mechanism to achieve this.
> Thanks,
> Rob
> Regards,
> Dan
> On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Robert Wilton <rwil...@cisco.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm participating in the 802.3 task force (802.3cf) to produce standard
>> YANG models for Ethernet interfaces and protocols covered by the IEEE 802.3
>> Ethernet Working Group.
>> As part of my involvement with that group, I want to highlight a couple
>> of issues that arose in that forum that may be of interest to various WGs
>> in IETF.
>> This email, and accompanying slides, represents my personal views, and do
>> not represent any formal IEEE position.  However, both this email and the
>> accompanying slides have been reviewed in an 802.3cf task force meeting,
>> and there were no objections to the content, or my sending of this email to
>> IETF.
>> I also raised these issues (with an earlier set of slides) as part of the
>> IETF/IEEE liaison meeting on 31st January, and the consensus was generally
>> supportive of this approach, with the agreed next steps to contact the
>> NETMOD and CCAMP chairs, which I have done, and the WGs (hence this email):
>> As part of that YANG modelling work, there is an aim to define a clean
>> boundary of what manageability data should be specified within 802.3 and
>> what belongs outside the 802.3 specifications.
>> The definition that the task force is converging on is that everything
>> related to Ethernet, covered by 802.3, that can be expressed in terms of
>> the 802.3 clause 30 manageability definitions, should be modeled in 802.3.
>> I.e. broadly everything that is covered by 802.3.1 today.  But any
>> manageability information that cannot be related to clause 30 definitions
>> should be specified outside of 802.3.  Note, where appropriate, additional
>> clause 30 definitions may be added to fix any mistakes or glaring gaps.
>> To this end, there are a couple of areas between IETF and 802.3 that
>> don't necessarily look like they are entirely in the right place, in
>> particular:
>> 1) The RMON MIB (RFC 2819) defines (along with other non-Ethernet related
>> content) some Ethernet specific statistics that would be better co-located
>> with the Ethernet interface YANG model being defined in 802.3cp.  Hence,
>> the proposal is to subsume the appropriate Ethernet statistics from the
>> RMON MIB into a single combined reference set defined in 802.3cp.
>> 2) The RMON MIB also defines some Ethernet specific statistics that can't
>> be defined as part of 802.3cf because they don't relate to 802.3 clause 30
>> registers, but are still widely supported by vendors, and should be modeled
>> in YANG.  The proposal is that definitions related to these counters could
>> be added as part of the Ethernet-like module
>> draft-ietf-netmod-intf-ext-yang-03
>> <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-netmod-intf-ext-yang/>, or
>> perhaps a related Ethernet module in the same draft.
>> 3) The Power-Ethernet MIB (defined in RFC 3621, but also referenced from
>> RFC 7460), was originally specified in IETF, but ownership later
>> transferred to 802.3 (via RFC 7448).  Whilst working on the Power over
>> Ethernet YANG model it has become clear that not all of the attributes
>> defined in the MIB map to the underlying 802.3 clause 30 definitions.
>> Further, it looks like parts of this YANG model would be better defined as
>> extensions to the Entity YANG model being defined in NETMOD.  The proposal
>> is that the parts of the Power over Ethernet YANG model that can be
>> directly related to clause 30 definitions (e.g. *pethPsePortTable*)
>> should be defined in 802.3cf, but that the remaining parts (e.g., 
>> *pethMainPseObjects
>> *) can hopefully be standardized in IETF.
>> Do you have any comments, or concerns, on the 3 proposals above?
>> Regards,
>> Rob Wilton
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