Lou Berger <lber...@labn.net> writes:

> On 5/17/2017 3:46 AM, Martin Bjorklund wrote:
>>> Also open issue B.3 says design time mounts are not supported yet but
>>> sec 1 (Intro) says they are out of scope:
>>>    The schema mount mechanism defined in this document provides support
>>>    only for the latter two cases because design-time definition of the
>>>    mounted schema doesn't play well with the existing YANG modularity
>>>    mechanisms.  For example, it would be impossible to augment the
>>>    mounted data model.
>>> I agree with sec 1. Leave them out of scope.
>> I also agree.  This is open until we have WG consensus.
> (As contributor)
> I'm fine with leaving such support out of scope for this document, but
> disagree with the text.  How about just keeping it simple and say:
>   The schema mount mechanism defined in this document provides support
>    only for the latter two cases, i.e., design-time mounts are not
>    specified by this document.

I used this wording, is it OK?

The schema mount mechanism defined in this document provides support
only for the latter two cases. Design-time mounts are outside the scope
of this document, and could be possibly dealt with in a future revision
of the YANG data modeling language.


> Lou
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