
The burden this would place on YANG writers would be excessive.
We learned in SNMP-land about CLRs (clever little rules) and how they need
to be avoided. We learned that special-casing and sub-setting technology has
its own costs, which are usually more than the problem they solved
(e.g., counter names MUST be in the plural form).


On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 1:03 PM, Kent Watsen <kwat...@juniper.net> wrote:

> As Andy says, readability is #1, and it follows that a restricted subset
> would be more understandable.  Standardizing this would require an update
> to RFC 7950 (read: not going to happen anytime soon).  Maybe we could start
> with just having a tool detect when something outside the common-subset is
> used.   Can a "common subset" be well-defined?  - "common" between how many
> engines? - would it be forever evolving?
> K. // contributor
> On 8/30/17, 12:44 PM, "netmod on behalf of Robert Wilton" <
> netmod-boun...@ietf.org on behalf of rwil...@cisco.com> wrote:
> I actually think that XML RE is a good choice for YANG pattern statements
> (because it is one of the more simple RE languages), I just don't think
> that we need all of it.
> First question: How many pattern statements in draft and standard IETF
> YANG modules actually use Unicode properties (e.g \p{}).
> Answer: Just 2.  To add a zone at the end of the IPv4/IPv6 address.
> E.g.       pattern
>         '(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}'
>       +  '([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])'
>       + '(%[\p{N}\p{L}]+)?';
> This could quite possibly have been written just as
> "\d{1,3}\.{3}\d{1,3)(%\w+)?" and not use Unicode properties at all.
> There a couple more occurrences of Unicode character classes in the vendor
> models on github, but only to restrict them to the ASCII character set (oh
> the irony), which I believe can be accomplished without resorting to
> Unicode properties.
> Another question: How often is character class subtraction (e.g.
> [A-Z-[PQ]] used in standard & the github YANG modules?
> Answer: 0.  AFAICT, it isn't used at all, anywhere ...
> Now, I'm not proposing using a different regex syntax for pattern
> statements, just a sensible subset of XSD RE, such that it easier for folks
> to read/review pattern statements, and it is easier for client and server
> implementations to translate into other common regex implementations if
> they so wish.
> Of course, as part of that translation, I would expect a translation
> function to check and generate an error if the translation cannot handle
> the input regex (e.g. if it uses an obscure unmatched unicode property or a
> unicode block, or character class subtraction syntax).  This really doesn't
> seem hard to me.
> But the XML RE language has stuff in it that I don't think anyone is ever
> going to use in a standardized network management YANG model.   Forcing
> everyone to implement support for this stuff just seems like a complete
> waste of time and effort.  Looking at the regex info website it looks like
> there are about 143 unicode properties and blocks defined (it may be
> incomplete), or which I think that 135+ of these probably have no relevance
> in network management YANG modules, and the benefit of the remaining ones
> is pretty suspect.
> I mean, how many network management YANG modules really need a pattern
> statement that only matches Runic characters?  Perhaps someone out there is
> busy defining "middle-earth.yang" ;-)
> If I am the only person opposed to making life unnecessarily difficult to
> readers of YANG models, and client/server tool implementors interacting
> with YANG then it is probably time to give up this discussion. ;-)
> Python, quite likely a common tool for client side network management,
> also doesn't seem to have any support of unicode properties or blocks.
> Perhaps implementations will hook it up to libxml2 instead, or write a full
> translation XML RE to Python RE conversion tool.  But probably most people
> will just feed the pattern statement into the native Python regex engine,
> and my guess is that this will probably work 95% of the time.  The other 5%
> ... who knows what will happen ... oh well, better to try and fail than to
> not try at all.
> Apologies if this email comes across as a rant.
> Rob
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