
Reading the draft-ietf-netmod-revised-datastores-04 some comments:

General) The system often adds data to the <running> or <intended> datastore already not just to <operational>: e.g.

UC1: I have a server configured in running. I need to bind it to an ip-address. The ip-address might be the local loopback address, however if that is only added to the <operational>, validation will fail indicating that the server is bound to a non-existent address. How to handle this?

UC2: I have a set of capabilities set by the system e.g. supported-reporting-intervals. I need to configure a job that MUST use one of these intervals. If the supported-reporting-intervals are only added to <operational> I can not validate the selected-interval in my configured job.

My proposal is to allow the system to add data to running as well. Actually I think that is a more relevant case then adding configuration just to <operation>.

CH 4.4.) "Validation is performed on the contents of <intended>." This to me means that default data is not considered at validation which would be a backwards incompatible change. Also if validation does not consider system configured data that would allow cases like multiple interfaces named lo0. One from <intended> one from system configuration. IMHO while it is OK to violate uniqueness because of remnant data, the above violation of uniqueness seems a bad idea.

Ch. 4.7) Is it allowed to violate uniqueness of key values? IMHO it should not be.

Ch 5.1) IMHO actions and rpcs should be allowed to include other datastores in their XPath evaluation. My suggestion is that they need to specify it somehow. (Yang extension?)

UC1) I want to define a convinience action that allows me to do a big modification in <running> in one step. I wan't to validate what it is doing based on the current contents of running. E.g. configure the OAM settings for the system including SNMP/Netconf/FTP in one step, but for each step I need to check that I am putting the relevant server on an existing interface. If specifying the datastore is an overkill, I would still rather chose runing as the accessible datastore. XPath is mostly use for checks. Checks are done against configuration.

Appendix B)

"4. How applied : automatic" This is definitely not enough to understand what happens even as an example. I propose:
Changes are automatically propagated to <operational>

C.1)  During the example the
is changed to 64 its. Is that intentional? It is not mentioned in the text.

regards Balazs

Balazs Lengyel                       Ericsson Hungary Ltd.
Senior Specialist
Mobile: +36-70-330-7909              email: balazs.leng...@ericsson.com

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