----- Original Message -----
From: "Lou Berger" <lber...@labn.net>
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2017 6:06 PM

> On 9/14/2017 12:36 PM, t.petch wrote:
> > Appendices are Normative if they say that they are Normative.  The
> > default is that they are not so say that they are and they are.
This is
> > well established practice.
> Hi Tom,
> My memory (I haven't checked recently) is there is nothing in or
> defined process that says if an Appendix is normative or not. Other
> SDOs certainly have formal definitions here. Within the IETF, my view
> has been that if an appendix includes RFC2119 language, it is
> normative. Actually, strictly speaking, any text in a Standards Track
> RFC that doesn't include RFC2119 language is just informative.


Try RFC4910.

'   This appendix is normative. '

and not a SHOULD or a MUST in sight.

Tom Petch

> Lou

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