Dear all,

In light of draft-claise-semver-01 <>, and thinking about adding an extra metadata piece of information to a YANG module (for example here <>), I'm wondering if any of you investigated how to map semver tags into backwards (in)compatible YANG module revisions?

   The fields in such a structured version have the following semantics

   o  MAJOR is incremented when the new version of the specification is
      incompatible with previous versions.

   o  MINOR is incremented when new functionality is added in a manner
      that is backward-compatible with previous versions.

   o  PATCH is incremented when bug fixes are made in a backward-
      compatible manner.

I played with "pyang --check-update-from". As an example, ietf-interfaces

   $ pyang ietf-interfa...@2017-08-14.yang
   ietf-interfa...@2017-08-14.yang:1: warning: unexpected latest
   revision "2017-08-17" in ietf-interfa...@2017-08-14.yang, should be

Let's not pay attention to this warning above.
If I compare with the RFC version, I get the same output. cx

   $ pyang --path=/home/bclaise/yang/modules
   ietf-interfa...@2017-08-14.yang:1: warning: unexpected latest
   revision "2017-08-17" in ietf-interfa...@2017-08-14.yang, should be
   So the tag should be MINOR or PATCH. Not sure if there is a way to
   automate MINOR versus PATCH?

Now, if I manually modify a leaf in ietf-interfa...@2014-05-08.yang, then I get:

   $ pyang --path=/home/bclaise/yang/modules
   ietf-interfa...@2017-08-14.yang:1: warning: unexpected latest
   revision "2017-08-17" in ietf-interfa...@2017-08-14.yang, should be
   ietf-interfa...@2017-08-14.yang:224: error: the base type has
   illegally changed from string to boolean

So I should increment the MAJOR tag.

Is my logic right? Is "pyang --check-update-from" reliable for my use case?

And yeah, I know YANG modules are always supposed to be backwards compatible...

Regards, Benoit
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