
Vladimir Vassilev <vladi...@transpacket.com> wrote:
> On 12/08/2017 04:06 PM, Juergen Schoenwaelder wrote:
> > On Fri, Dec 08, 2017 at 04:03:06PM +0100, Martin Bjorklund wrote:
> >> Vladimir Vassilev <vladi...@transpacket.com> wrote:
> >>> On 11/15/2017 06:29 PM, Robert Wilton wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> I don't think that this is really a good idea.  You would end up
> >>>> returning server metadata in addition to the configuration.
> >>> Obviously RFC 7895 defines only config false; data and I was not
> >>> proposing a change to that. But I agree something has to be added to
> >>> complete the solution. Special purpose datastore identities can be
> >>> defined that return instance of yang-library data when read with
> >>> <get-data>. (Datastores with yang-library config false; only data not
> >>> represented in 'operational')
> >>>
> >>> Adding this special yang-library-datastore to the proposed
> >>> ietf-datastores container e.g.
> >>>
> >>> module: ietf-datastores
> >>> +--ro datastores
> >>> |  +--ro datastore* [name]
> >>> |     +--ro name          identityref
> >>> |     +--ro yang-library-datastore          identityref
> >>>
> >> I don't understand this proposal.  How would a client learn the
> >> library for <running>?  For <operational>?
> > My interpretation is that the client reads the datastores list from
> > <operational> and the list entries give you the identity of a separate
> > datastore that gives you the content of the yang library for that
> > datastore. (For each datastore, you have a separate datastore to
> > report its yang library.)
> Yes. The default value for yang-library-datastore leaf is
> ds:operational (the only possible one for the ds:operational
> datastore). This is backward compatible. If one needs different model
> for 'running', etc. then a new datastore identity has to be defined 
> and set in place of the default value. Then this identity can be used
> to read the yang-library data with <get-data>.

Ah, ok.  This is a clever solution, but quite complicated.  It
requires several round trips for a client to learn all library
instances.  Also, w/o any changes, it is not clear which module-set-id
is sent in the capability, and a client must query all module-set-ids
in all (meta)datastores in order to just check if it has the latest
version or not.  It is also not clear how the existing notification
"yang-library-change" would work when there are multiple instances
involved.  So I don't think that this solution will actually work w/o
an update to 7895 - but not updating 7895 was the whole reason for
doing this.


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