On Wed, Feb 07, 2018 at 03:03:49PM -0800, Andy Bierman wrote:
> >
> > > 2) The <get-data> operation returns all values in use.
> > >     The only way to suppress defaults is to use <origin-filter>
> > >     (e.g., request all origins except 'default')
> >
> > Or use with-defaults = trim.
> Yes -- because the definition in RFC 6243 is worded to exclude nodes.
> It should be clear in some draft how basic-mode applies to origin=default
> within <operational>.

Frankly, carrying the different basic modes over to <operational>
sounds like a mistake. Complexity for no real value.
> Applying sec 2 of 6243...
> config=true:
> If basic-mode=report-all then origin=default will never be present
> If basic-mode=trim then origin=default is only possible if the value-in-use
> is the YANG default
> If basic-mode=explicit then origin=default is only possible if the
> configured value was not
> explicitly set by a client.  Sec 2.3.1 is not clear if the YANG default
> value is relevant or not.
> It could be that if the configured value not explicitly set, then any
> value-in-use (not just the
> YANG default) could be tagged origin=default.
> config=false:
> report-all: default ignored, no nodes treated as default
> trim: node removed if value=YANG default
> explicit: all config=false nodes are set by the server, so no nodes treated
> as default

Who needs all this to manage a network?
> This draft makes with-defaults mandatory-to-implement.
> It is a SHOULD implement now.  (I approve!).
> The with-defaults capability MUST be advertised by the NMDA server,
> including
> the basic-mode parameter. The also-supported parameter MAY be included.
> Is it possible for report-all-tagged to apply to nodes that are learned
> (i.e., not origin=default)?

So here is an alternate proposal: The NMDA documents are silent about
with-defaults and if someone wants to use with-defaults with
datastores then an update of RFC 6243 needs to be written. This way,
implementations can choose to not do any of the with-defaults magic.

What we may consider, though, is to have a way to negate origin-filter
so that we can exclude specific origins - right now to emulate this
one has to (a) know all possible origins and then (b) list all origins
except the one not wanted.


Juergen Schoenwaelder           Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
Phone: +49 421 200 3587         Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
Fax:   +49 421 200 3103         <https://www.jacobs-university.de/>

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