> People want to use YANG to define the schema for an XML or JSON
> representation of a stand-alone document.


> The only data needed must be module + local-name.

Or maybe: module + local-name + context, where context is one of:

  - data nodes
  - RPC/actions
  - notifications
  - standalone artifacts (files)

At least, it seems that these are different things.

[Note: RESTCONF places some of the context into the URL; two different data 
node resources can have identical module + local-name.]

It would be bad if two stand-alone artifacts had the same module+local-name 
(foo:bar).   However, it's okay to have a matching top-level data node called 
"foo:bar", since it is used in a different context.  Just like yang-data cannot 
be accessed as data via a protocol like NC or RC, so it is that 
traditionally-defined data nodes cannot be accessed as a stand-alone artifact 
(unless you’re a draft-author and need an instance document for an example).

> Defining an extension that maps error-info data for a specific RPC might be
> something worth standardizing.  It should not be done with yang-data,
> but rather a different extension just for this purpose.

Martin wrote before:

            (maybe in the future we could even have a YANG extension statement 
            formalize the description:

               rpc my-first-rpc {
                 opx:error-info-structure my-first-rpc-error-info;

            but this is not point now.)

I imagined that he was hoping to limit what's needed to get 
draft-ietf-netconf-notification-messages out the door now, but I think another 
I-D should be proposed to augment the 'rpc' and 'action' statements with an 
anydata called "error-info-structure" so the YANG would be more like this:

               rpc my-first-rpc {
                 opx:error-info-structure my-first-rpc-error-info {

That is, to your point, with no reference to a yang-data data structure.

> Andy

Kent // contributor

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