As I pointed out at the mic @102 this requirement derives directly from the 1.x 
requirement of not changing the name of the module/namespace. If you allow for changing 
the namespace/module name for "major" (i.e., incompatible) changes (i.e., like 
today) then this 3.1 requirement goes away.

I think the plan is to reword some of these to get closer to the intention 
which I believe is to allow for smoother transition from one module to the next 
while making incompatible but mostly non-impacting changes.


Andy Bierman <> writes:


I strongly object to requirement 3.1:

    3.1  The solution MUST provide a mechanism to allow servers to
            support existing clients in a backward compatible way.

This is not what servers do today at all.
They provide only one version of an implemented module, as specified in RFC

It is a vendor and operator decision when to upgrade a server such that
non-backward compatible changes are made. They must decide if/when it is ok
based on the client applications in use.

This requirement says you cannot make backward-incompatible changes
which completely contradicts requirements 1.1 and 1.2.

IMO requirement 3.1 should be removed, or change MUST to MAY

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