On Sep 14, 2018, at 13:05, Robert Wilton <rwilton=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> 
> If all input files that we might ever want to fold and include in an RFC are 
> guaranteed to never contain tabs then I agree with the position that they can 
> just be rejected. 


> But if there is some future file format that we want to fold that might 
> contain tabs, then I wonder whether it would not be more robust to look at 
> whether they could be handled in some way.

VT characters (colloquially tabs) should not be significant in any file format 
designed in the last couple of decades (i.e., they should be replaceable by 
spaces).  If they (or any other characters not representable in RFCs) are, or 
preserving byte wise identity is important, follow the lead of RFC 6716 and 

Grüße, Carsten

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