Do not support.

This document does not make a good case for why tags should exist.
The introduction does not explain what they are useful for, it just makes a 
comparison to #hashtags (which is something I would expect to see in an April 
1st RFC).
The initial registry values, section 8.2, also provide no insight as to the 
value of any of these tags. At best these values could be used to categorise 
modules for human browsing.

In short, I see no evidence that the standard this document attempts to define 
is actually useful.

Additional major concerns:
- the draft does not indicate who should implement the included YANG module.
- there is no automatic mechanism specified (such as an extension statement) by 
which the server can read the tags from the module (as 4.1 specifies must 
happen), therefore the implementer will have to do this manually and is likely 
to forget.
- I do not believe servers should be concerned with classifying their 
implemented YANG modules, unless there is a good reason. This seems like a 
client responsibility. How will the system work in a large network with one 
client reading data from 500 servers, each of which could have different tag 
data? Or maybe two clients with different tag data, both trying to update the 
network to hold the "correct" data.

From: netmod <> on behalf of joel jaeggli 
Sent: Wednesday, 3 October 2018 9:21 a.m.
To: NETMOD Working Group
Subject: [netmod] WG LC draft-ietf-netmod-module-tags-02 - 10/2/18 - 10/16/18

This is start of a two week working group last-call for
draft-ietf-netmod-module-tags-02 a current netmod working group

You may review at:

Please send email to the list indicating "yes/support" or "no/do not
support".  If indicating no, please state your reservations with the
document.  If yes, please also feel free to provide comments you'd like
to see addressed once the document is a WG document.

The prior discussion of my mistaken WG adoption call is here

commences here:

In particular Andy's concerns expressed in that thread here:

are probably important to tease out in considering this for last call.

so that we are clear on dates. This last call timing resets and runs
from 10/2/18 - 10/16/18


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