On 13/11/2018 15:17, Andy Bierman wrote:

On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 5:46 AM, Balázs Lengyel <balazs.leng...@ericsson.com <mailto:balazs.leng...@ericsson.com>> wrote:


    We also need a method for removing stuff. It does happen that some
    functionality is deemed not important enough, outdated, too
    expensive to maintain, so we want to remove it.

      * Augment is clearly not the tool for that.
      * Deviations are not intended for that  (from rfc 7950: "server
        deviation: A failure of the server ...")

Removing nodes is easy with the status-stmt. Update the module and set the status to deprecated or obsolete.

Yes, but obsoleting nodes should be regarded as a non-backwards-compatible change because it can break clients that were relying on those nodes.



    So we still need Semver(or something akin) and the possibility to
    do NBC changes.


    On 2018. 11. 12. 18:08, Robert Wilton wrote:

    On 12/11/2018 16:33, Martin Bjorklund wrote:
    Robert Wilton <rwil...@cisco.com> <mailto:rwil...@cisco.com> wrote:
    In the Thursday Netmod meeting, it was interesting to hear Rob
    describe how deviations and augmentations are used in
    OpenConfig to
    add functionality into an older YANG model where the semver rules
    prevent the version number from being incremented.

    Further, I think that someone (Martin?) stated on the audio bridge
    that this was an intended/allowed behavior for deviations.
    I said that using augmentations (not deviations) was one idea we
    originally had for solving the "branching problem".
    Ah, OK. I agree that makes sense.

    I think that this works for OC b/c they don't branch their modules.
    Hence I think it is important that we decide if branching is a
    requirement or not.
    So, I think that this probably works for adding enhancements, but
    not for the (arguably more important) bug fix case, unless there
    is a reasonable solution to having two config data nodes both
    modifying the same underlying property.  Perhaps under some
    reasonable constraints this could be made to work - but I don't

    Of course, even for enhancements it is not necessarily a perfect
    solution.  E.g. backporting some subset of a module already
    coded/implemented in latest to an older release.  And yes, we
    really do get asked to do this sometimes, although it is
    relatively rare.



    This surprised me, because I thought that RFC 7950 was quite
    that this is not what deviations are intended for.  My reading
    of RFC
    7950 is that the deviation statement represents the case where the
    server *implementation* does not match the *specification*. 
    the versioning issue that we are discussing are bug
    fixes/changes in
    the specification rather than the bug fixes in the implementation.

    Personally, I'm really not keen on using deviations to
    represent bug
    fixes to older YANG models for three reasons:

    (i) It is changing the meaning of deviation.  It is much
    cleaner to
    keep the meaning of deviation statements as they are defined
    and not conflate their semantics.
    (ii) A different mechanism is used to put a bug fix into an older
    branch rather than in the head of the development.
    (iii) For clients to track the lifecycle of modules they would not
    only need to know the module version number but would also need to
    find and track all associated deviation modules. This seems
    significantly more complex for clients than the modified semver
    was proposed.


    I think that has also been some suggestion that augmentations (or
    duplicate YANG modules with their major version number changed)
    can be
    used to make bug fixes in a completely backwards compatible way.
    However, I still don't understand a robust scheme of how this


    Finally, there were some comments about using augmentation
    modules for
    enhancements.  This is fine, where appropriate (e.g. a non trivial
    number of data nodes are being added as an enhancement) then a
    separate module may be the right way to go. But here, I presume
    the new functionality will always be tracked by that separate
    If that functionality folds back into the original module at some
    point in the future, then obviously a non backwards compatible
    change is being forced on to the client, along with additional
    work on
    the server as well.

    I think that there are also many cases where the number of data
    being added via an enhancement is small compared to the size of
    module being updated.  In this case I believe that it better to
    these data nodes into the module itself, perhaps predicated under
    if-feature if appropriate.


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-- Balazs Lengyel Ericsson Hungary Ltd.
    Senior Specialist
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