Robert Wilton <> writes:

> Hi Lada,
> Thanks for the review and comments ...
> I've added some thoughts inline ...
> On 30/01/2019 14:50, Ladislav Lhotka wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I think it is a good start, here are my comments (some of them were
>> already raised by Jason):
>> - I like the fact that this work doesn't require any changes to YANG,
>>    except perhaps semver.
> RW: OK.
>> - I think the augments to YANG library is a separate problem that should
>>    perhaps be addressed in a different document. Servers supporting
>>    multiple package revisions may not be that common.
> RW:
> I completely agree that servers supporting multiple package revisions 
> may not be that common, and I agree that any specification on how a 
> server could support multiple packages, and perform package selection 
> should be in a separate draft.
> But the YANG library augmentations aren't there only to support this use 
> case.  My intention is to make it easier for devices to advertise a 
> package representing what each datastore schema is rather than having to 
> fetch the full contents of YANG library.
> E.g. a server might implement 900+ modules/sub-modules for a given 
> release.  Different hardware will mostly implement the same modules, but 
> there might be some differences.  If bugs have been patched then there 
> might be some differences.  I'm aiming for a solution where a client 
> doesn't have to fetch the full list of YANG modules for each server to 
> figure out the schema for the device, which is probably the same as 
> another 1000 devices in the network.
> Instead, I would like the vendor to publish a package for that 
> particular release, with variants depending on the hardware.  The device 
> can then advertise that it uses that base package, along with the small 
> set of differences (e.g. due to bug fixes).

OK, I missed this purpose. Perhaps one of the examples can be expanded
to illustrate this situation.

But doesn't it defeat the purpose of packages? Even if I know that my client
works with package X, it needn't be the case with the vendor's changes.

>> - I was expecting that a package could specify a range of revisions for
>>    some modules that may be used together with teh others. This doesn't
>>    seem to be the case. If so, it would be somewhat unwieldy because every
>>    combination of module revisions would require a separate package
>>    revision.
> RW:
> Yes, this is an interesting point.
> My intention is that there is a roughly linear history of package 
> versions.  E.g. if there was a package of all IETF modules, then every 
> time a new version of an IETF module is published, the package 
> definition would be updated to a new version that includes the new 
> published module revision. I think that we need to try and somewhat 
> constraint the versions of modules that can sensibly be used together.

With semver, would it make sense to be able to specify only a major
version number of a module? The "yang-sem-ver" type requires the
complete version number.

>> - As Jason pointed out, there seems to be no use for the package
>>    namespace, as packages don't define any names on their own.
> Yes, I will remove the text about namespaces.  Globally unique package 
> names should be sufficient.
>> - I would also prefer mandatory-features to be bundled with each
>> module.
>> - This draft nicely shows that there is really no need for any
>>    "yang-data" extensions. But I also don't see any benefit from using
>>    ietf-yang-instance-data in this case. It would IMO be perfectly fine
>>    to get rid of two levels of data hierarchy:
>>    { "ietf-yang-package:yang-package": {
>>        ...
>>      }
>>    }
> That's an interesting point.  My thought is that all at rest YANG data 
> would be encoded in YANG instance data documents to make them more 
> easily machine parse-able.

I don't see how the two extra levels make the JSON more easy to parse.

If we want to have some standard metadata for inclusion in standalone
instance document, it would be probably better to define the metadata as
a grouping that can be used right under
"ietf-yang-package:yang-package". In the DSDL schemas (RFC 6110) we used
Dublin Core metadata for a similar purpose.


> Thanks,
> Rob
>> Thanks, Lada
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