Please see inline, marked with [cue].

From: netmod <> on behalf of "Rob Wilton (rwilton)" 
Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at 12:55 PM
To: Andy Bierman <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Re: [netmod] adoption poll for yang-versioning-reqs-02

Hi Andy,

Thanks for the comments.

1. Regular Semver 2.0.0 (as per allows some branching.  I.e. you 
can create version 2.0.0 based of version 1.1.0, and then subsequently create 
version 1.2.0 based of 1.1.0.  So structure wise this would logically look like:

      | \
      |   1.1.0 – 1.2.0 - …

I also raised  on the semver 2.0.0 
github to confirm that my interpretation is correct, and no one has disputed it 

2. Vendor software releases can have a very long support time (e.g. easily 5+ 
years), with an expectation that bugs get fixed.  Requiring that customers 
upgrade their software (or perhaps hardware) to the very latest software 
version to pick up a small bug fix is not realistic.  This is primarily why I 
think that the ‘m’ and ‘M’ are so important.  They allow for bug fixes in a way 
that Semver 2.0.0 simply does not.

Semver 2.0.0 only allows for bugfixes in the implementation (by updating the 
patch version number), but has the expectation that there are *never* any 
non-backwards-compatible changes in the API, not even to fix a bug, except at 
the tip of the development tree.

In short, I think that vanilla Semver 2.0.0 is a good fit for open source 
projects where you can just tell the client to update to the latest version to 
pick up the fix.  I don’t think that Semver 2.0.0 is so well aligned to APIs 
that are required to be maintained for long periods of time.
Let me start by admitting that I am a YANG neophyte, so take this as a question 
rather than a suggestion, but would it make any sense to apply the semantics of 
Semver 2.0.0 for standard models and allow the use of something more 
expressive, such as that proposed in, for 
native models? My guess is that standard vs. native model is a distinction that 
we discuss and that is evident by YANG model name; however, a YANG compiler has 
no knowledge of this and makes no distinction. Nevertheless, I thought I’d 
throw it out there.


The alternative that Rob Shakir mentioned at IETF 103 in the context of 
OpenConfig, which uses strict Semver 2.0.0, is to handle these bug fixes using 
deviations.  But it seems to be significantly more complex to manage bug fixes 
using extra deviation modules rather than allowing the ‘m’ | ‘M’ modifiers.  
Versioning would no longer limited to a module version number, but require 
knowledge of the module version and set of deviations that are applied to it.  
I would rather deviations are reserved to indicate whether an implementation 
doesn’t match the module specification rather than use them as a way of fixing 
bugs in the specification itself.

3. I agree that the use of Semver + packages + version selection does not 
reduce the overall number of paths to a configurable property, but it does 
ensure that there is only a single path to a configurable property within a 
YANG datastore schema.   So whichever version each client is using, they only 
use a single path.  I.e. mirroring the way that a classic programming API might 
be versioned.

Servers that wish to support this would have to map the data between different 
YANG datastore schema versions.  Not all mappings are possible, but at least 
any cases where it is not possible can be detected and reported to the client 
via an out of band mechanism.

If the module content changes significantly between module versions that 
mapping will be much harder than if the changes are minimal or backwards 
compatible.  So there is still a strong incentive for model writers to minimize 
churn to the YANG models.


From: Andy Bierman <>
Sent: 19 March 2019 18:35
To: Rob Wilton (rwilton) <>
Cc: Martin Bjorklund <>;;
Subject: Re: [netmod] adoption poll for yang-versioning-reqs-02

On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 9:38 AM Rob Wilton (rwilton) 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Martin,

Thanks for the review and comments.

A couple of points:

1) Lots of models outside those published in SDOs are already not following the 
RFC 7950 revision rules.  I think that it is better to have a versioning scheme 
that reflects how YANG models are actually evolving rather than have all vendor 
and OC YANG modules either just ignoring the rules, or using clever tricks that 
strictly conform with the rules but go against the spirit of them (e.g. just 
publish an entirely new set of YANG modules for each release).  Also noting 
that having a scheme that allows non-backwards-compatible changes does not 
require that everyone uses them - IETF could continue to always publish 
backwards compatible modules.  The obvious alternative here is that each vendor 
comes up with their own versioning extension and ignores the RFC 7950 section 
11 rules anyway, but I'm not sure how that really helps client<->server interop.

I do not support branching for YANG models so I do not supported modified 
Adding a special character to the version string doesn't help the deployed 
client code
that stops working when the server code is upgraded.  This is a quality issue 
each organization has to deal with the best they can.

I do not object to the addition of a SEMVER field to a YANG module because 
these version
strings are familiar to users.  It is possible to express import ranges such as 
1.2.* (any 1.2.x release)
which are not possible with date strings.

2) I don't understand how the RFC 7950 approach of "deprecate a buggy node, and 
replace with a working node" really works in practice, particularly for 
configuration data nodes where you have two clients interacting with a server, 
one interacting with the old path, and another using the new path.  Perhaps 
there is a robust scheme that works in all cases, but it isn't obvious to me.  
Historically, for CLI we just translate the CLI from old to new format and then 
return the new format when the running config is requested.  But that will 
still break an old client that doesn't understand how to read the new CLI, even 
if the server supports them writing via the old CLI.

SEMVER does not reduce the number of paths to the underlying configuration 
That problem does not change whether a new XPath absolute-path-expr is used
or whether the same path is overloaded with semantics derived from additional 
protocol parameters
(e.g., versioning of each data node). I prefer the existing XPath solution 
because it is explicit
so the YANG reader can easily see the multiple paths, and no new protocol work 
needed to support it.
If there is an NBC change to an object then all XPath and leafref references to 
it will probably break.
That seems like a harder problem to solve than the original path duplication 

Even if there is a workable solution for this simple case, I suspect that there 
are many slightly more complicated cases that don't work (e.g. rekeying a list, 
changing defaults, incompatible types).

In short, I don't agree with the premise that the current YANG versioning 
schema using revision dates is working just fine, and no changes are needed.



-----Original Message-----
From: netmod <<>> On 
Behalf Of Martin Bjorklund
Sent: 19 March 2019 15:12
Subject: Re: [netmod] adoption poll for yang-versioning-reqs-02


I have read this document, and I do not think it should be adopted.

I object to the idea that we should allow non-backwards-compatible changes to 
published YANG modules.

The draft motivates this idea with:

   we must recognize that many YANG
   modules are actually generated YANG modules (for example, from
   internal databases)

I do not agree that we should change what we allow in published modules b/c of 

It also motivates this idea with:

   The points made above lead to the logical conclusion that the
   standardized YANG modules have to be perfect on day one (at least the
   structure and meaning), which in turn might explain why IETF YANG
   modules take so long to standardize.

I disagree with this.  First of all, we have already published revision two of 
several YANG modules (ietf-inet-types, ietf-yang-type, ietf-interfaces, 
ietf-ip, ietf-routing, ...), so the statement that "standardized YANG modules 
have to be perfect on day one" is simply not true.

Second, I don't think the upgrade rules are the reason it takes a long time to 
standardize IETF models (I think it has to do with the process itself, 
including the fact that models get reviews from many different people with 
different background.)  [BTW, is it true that drafts with YANG models take 
longer time from wg -00 to published RFC than other drafts?]

This said, I think there are some important points that the draft raises, and 
that I think we should continue to work on; specifically 2.3, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7.  
But I don't think that these areas require changes to the versioning scheme, 
and I think it is a mistake to include these areas in this draft.

Some comments on section 4, The Problem Statement:

   o  Any non-backwards-compatible change of a definition requires
      either a new module name or a new path.  This has been found
      costly to support in implementations, in particular on the client

Yes I agree there is a cost associated with this.  But I have come across 
vendor modules that make NBC changes w/o introducing a new path, and this is 
also costly to handle.

   o  Since non-backwards-compatible changes require either a new module
      name or a new path, such changes will impact other modules that
      import definitions.  In fact, with the current module versioning
      scheme other modules have to opt-in in order to use the new
      version.  This essentially leads to a ripple effect where a non-
      backwards-compatible change of a core module causes updates on a
      potentially large number of dependent modules.

This is by design.  We cannot have a situation where a legal modification to a 
module leads to other modules becoming invalid.

   o  YANG has a mechanism to mark definitions deprecated but it leaves
      it open whether implementations are expected to implement
      deprecated definitions and there is no way (other than trial and
      error) for a client to find out whether deprecated definitions are
      supported by a given implementation.

As I wrote above, I agree that this is a problem that should be solved.  But 
this is not a motivation for changing YANG versioning.

   o  YANG does not have a robust mechanism to document which data
      definitions have changed and to provide guidance how
      implementations should deal with the change.  While it is possible
      to have this described in general description statements, having
      these details embedded in general description statements does not
      make this information accessible to tools.

This might also be worth exploring, but this is not a motivation for changing 
YANG versioning.


Kent Watsen <<>> wrote:
> Seeing as how we all need to read this draft anyways, in preparation for our 
> meeting in Prague, it seems like a good time for this poll.  Thusly, this 
> email begins a 1-week adoption poll for:
> <
> 2>
> Please voice your support or objections before March 20.
> Note that this draft defines *requirements* and its intended status is 
> "Informational."   I believe that it is good for WGs to formalize 
> requirements, even taking such drafts thru Last Call, in order to ensure 
> consensus on the requirements.  This is the "adoption" call, to ascertain if 
> the WG agrees with that statement; if adopted, a separate "last call" will be 
> issued to ensure to correctness of the draft's content.
> Kent (and Lou and Joel)

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