So this was a very thin response on a WG adoption call on the mailing list, but 
given the sense of the room on Tuesday, I think we can accept this as a WG 
We do have the WG last call as another formal opportunity to stop this if it 
turns out this can be done in a way that preserves full compatibility with RFC 

We are now waiting for a final WGLC-ready I-D version of yang-cbor (one 
internal author review is outstanding), and then will WGLC the whole cluster 
(yang-cbor, sid, comi, core-yang-library) in the CoRE WG with a CC to the CCs 
of this mail.
This WGLC will not go through without a number of high-quality reviews.

Grüße, Carsten

> On Jul 11, 2019, at 09:44, Carsten Bormann <> wrote:
> RFC 8525 defines a YANG data model for information about the YANG modules, 
> datastores, and datastore schemas used by a network management server.   This 
> data model is based on string representations of YANG identifiers.
> To be more useful in a constrained environment (CoRECONF/COMI), it is useful 
> to have a YANG data model that can employ the efficiency of SIDs 
> (draft-ietf-core-sid).  draft-veillette-core-yang-library-05.txt provides a 
> straightforward translation of RFC 8525 to SID-based identification, with 
> some legacy support removed and some other efficiencies added.  This 
> specification complements the three other CoRECONF specifications 
> draft-ietf-core-yang-cbor, draft-ietf-core-sid, and draft-ietf-core-comi, 
> which we hope to ship soon.
> This starts a one-week working group adoption call.
> This is a formal call for adoption of this draft as a WG document of the CoRE 
> WG.
> If you have read the draft and support adopting it, please say so.
> If you see a problem with adopting it as a WG document, please tell us.
> For both, remember that WG adoption does not mean that we already have 
> consensus on all the details(*), just that this is the right working document 
> to address the issue (and that we should address the issue in the first 
> place); you are encouraged to mention any issues that you already know.
> This WGA call is CCed to the netconf and netmod working groups, as the 
> expertise about YANG modules is focused there, as well as the yang-of-things 
> non-WG mailing list.  Please respond to, or exceptionally to 
> (for off-list comments).
> This formal WG adoption call runs until the end of July 18th.
> Grüße, Carsten
> (*) say, is the module-set index really limited to an 8-bit number?

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