
there is at least one YANG 1.0 standard module that imports and uses groupings from a YANG 1.1 standard module and at least one such grouping contains must/when statements referencing XPath functions that are not available in 1.0 XPath context.

The modules I'm referring to are part of RFC8533 [1] and RFC8532 [2]. ietf-connectionless-oam-methods (a 1.0 module) uses cl-oam:tp-address from ietf-connectionless-oam (a 1.1 module), which calls "derived-from-or-self" in a when expression of a used node. These RFCs were published in April.

Our tools complain about "derived-from-or-self" not being defined in ietf-connectionless-oam-methods's XPath context:

[Error]; ietf-connectionless-oam-methods@2019-04-16:/cloam-methods:continuity-check/cloam-methods:input/cloam-methods:destination-tp/cloam-methods:mac-address/cloam-methods:when; XPath function "derived-from-or-self" is not defined in the XPath context

Is this correct? Or are XPath functions expected to be resolved statically, like types?


[1] - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8533
[2] -https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8532

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