Hi, Igor:
Thank for your clarification, please see my follow up comments.
发件人: Igor Bryskin [mailto:i_brys...@yahoo.com]
发送时间: 2019年11月6日 23:04
收件人: netmod@ietf.org; draft-bryskin-netconf-automation-y...@ietf.org; Lou 
Berger <lber...@labn.net>; Qin Wu <bill...@huawei.com>
抄送: draft-wwx-netmod-event-y...@ietf.org
主题: Re: I-D Action: draft-wwx-netmod-event-yang-04.txt

Hi Qin,

[ snipped]


1.The Expression clause in an ECA could be very complex and hence requires a 
complex syntax to articulate. To address this in our contribution 
(https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-bryskin-netconf-automation-yang/) we 
proposed two methods:

a) When configuring Condition using XPath expression string. This allows 
expressing Conditions of arbitrary complexity, but does require servers to 
(sufficiently) support XPath language;

[Qin]:XPATH expression is supported in model proposed in draft-wwx, it is 
modelled as one of member of union, i.e., instance-identifier, in addition, we 
support model three other member types

Type yang:object-identifier;

Type yang:uuid;

Type string

IB>> Good. Please, note that we were told on many occasions that because of 
potentiality very complex syntax of the ECA Condition clause, the XPath 
expression string is realistically the only choice, all alternatives are 
introduced for model completeness more than anything else - too cumbersome to 
be useful.

[Qin]: Tend to agree, this is complexity we can consider to get rid of.

b) For the case of simpler servers we defined elementary logical primitives 
that could be used in building bottom up in hierarchical manner complex logical 

[Qin]: I believe you are talking about Condition Expression, which is 
corresponding to ietf-trigger.yang defined in draft-wwx-netmod-event-yang-04. 
We model them as three trigger conditions

1.       An existence test monitors and manages the absence, presence, and 
change of a data object

2.       A Boolean test compares the value of the monitored object with the 
reference value and takes action according to the comparison result.

3.       A Threshold trigger condition regularly compares compares the value of 
the monitored object with the threshold values.

In each trigger condition, we will break down them into policy variable and 
policy value based on RFC3460, policy variable is renamed as target, policy 
value is renamed as value in proposed ECA model

IB>> IMHO this is not  sufficient, not even close.

[Qin]: Actually it can be extended, the essence of trigger condition is 
<target><relation><arg> which is similar to <arg1><relation><arg2> in 

would you like to provide an example which can not be expressed by these 
trigger conditions?
I am open to the better design choice.

IB2>>> Realistically, this is not much of a use. Imagine you are a client and 
you have to express a condition made of some 80 logical operations. Using the 
above would be very cumbersome. And  what if in addition to the logical 
operations condition expression includes other operations, such as arithmetic, 
function calls, etc. ?

 [Qin-2]: I agree arithmetic, function calls is useful, but it is defined as 
part of action in the ECA model, right? Not part of condition statement?

Just to clarify, the target defined under event in draft-wwx is a target list, 
which is similar to policy variables list. Two key elements in trigger 
conditions are target, value, target is pointing to target under event and 
doesn’t need to be the data object that is being monitored or managed, it can 
be policy variable that is not presented in any YANG data model, value is 
expressed as one similar to <arg2> In draft-bryskin. Operator in Boolean 
condition trigger case is similar to comparison-operation, it is not clear to 
me why condition made of 80 logical operations can not be described, maybe 
logical-operation-type should be introduced in the ECA model explicitly. We 
actually talk about this AND and OR design in the section 3.1 of 

In addition,

I am wondering how to describe a condition when a network event is triggered 
when the monitored object disappear or appear or change
How do you describe a condition when network event is triggered if the 
difference between the current measurement value and the previous
measurement value of monitored data object is smaller than or equal to the 
delta falling threshold.
I see the big difference is you defined local policy variable, distinct from 
global policy variable, global policy variable can apply to multiple script. I 
am not sure these scripts are generated from ECA YANG data model? Or 
pre-configured? How these scripts are different func call or XPAH function?
In addition, it is not clear to me why we mixed policy variable with policy 
value. I can not see difference between them by reading draft-bryskin. The 
policy value can be constant, or change based on some calculation method, see 
example of condition in section 5.8.3 of rfc3460. Do we need to align with 

I feel you change the meaning of policy variable, since in bryskin’s draft, 
policy variable is described as an output parameter of an RPC which is not 
consistent with the definition in RFC3460, in my opinion.

IB>> No, I have not. In our definition a PV is a variable where an ECA thread 
stores results of computations and output of algorithms/RPCs, so that the 
results could be used within a single thread or between multiple threads of the 
same or different ECAs, could provide input for automatic re-configurations and 
RPCs, could be used in Condition evaluations, could be exposed directly to the 
client via notifications, etc. In short, this is the place where ECAs store and 
accumulate the results of their work

 [Qin]: I thought PV is corresponding to target defined in draft-wwx, or data 
object to be monitored, we will reflect the change of data object or target in 
the action definition of ECA model.
I see the only difference on model design, is target or policy variable is 
separated from ietf-event, or part of ietf-event. If the reason why we should 
have a separate policy-variable is we should store state on policy-variable or 
target, I think put policy-variable into ietf-event, you still can store state 
related to policy-variable in ietf-event, No?

IB2>> PV is a variable of the ECA language - i.e. a memory structure where ECA 
thread execution results could be stored to be used in subsequent Condition 
evaluations and Action inputs. In my view, PV has nothing to do with PUSH 
[Qin-2]:PV is very powerful, it can change over time, it can be overridden, 
however it is also hard to keep track of which PV is impacted by which PV, 
which PV is final execution results? Which execution order we should follows.
PV can be explicit PV and implicit PV based on RFC3460, if it is explicitly PV, 
it is related to data object or data instance you manipulated. If it is 
implicit PV, it could be used to store tempo results.
In addition, we you define PV type as XPATH, it is actually related to data 
object you subscribed, in my opinion.

2. Your model seems to suggest for ECA Action  not much more than PUSHing a 
notification (triggered by a certain event and satisfying the configured 
condition) to the client with the hope that the client will subsequently 
request some device/network re-configurations ro react to the event.

[Qin]:Igor, the ECA action proposed in the model of 
draft-wwx-netmod-event-yang-04 can do more than PUSHing a notification, it have 
supported the following capabilities:

1)Configuration data object reconfiguration

IB>> Good, but keep in mind that the parameters of such configurations could 
not be limited to values specified by the client at the time of ECA 
configuration ( such values we call Policy Constants (PCs)). It is imperative 
to allow for the results of the ECA thread computations to be also used as 
values to configure (i.e. PVs along with PCs)

[Qin]: Yes, I have been aware that Policy constant is different from Policy 
variable, Are both pointing to the same monitored data objects?
I think whether it is policy constant or policy variable, it should be set or 
configured only when certain conditions hold.

IB2>> How do you allow the client to say "When Event E is fired, configure leaf 
L with a value computed using expression X"? Our suggestion is via two 
sun-Acrions associated with the ECA: first computes the expression X and stores 
it in a PV, second executes edit-config with the PV content as a value.
[Qin-2]: I agree arithmetic, function calls we should cover in ECA model. In 
the current model, we only support on event invoke another event. In your case, 
how to hook them together and define the work flow, e.g., first do this, and do 
that, this PV should be outputted by this process, input into another process? 
I think there is some challenge we should see how to tackle, right?
I am wondering where do you store the results of computations(e.g., 
mean/variance) or some tempo value of monitored data object?

IB2>> This is exactly what PV is for
You use policy variable itself or you have somewhere else to store these tempo 

IB2> Client defined PVs


[Qin]: Usually the RPC is sent from NETCONF client to NETCONF server ,do you 
propose the other way around and allow the netconf server send RPC request to 
the NETCONF client? I am not sure we can do this

IB2>> In the context of ECA the RPC Action is request to invoke  *local* server 
intelligence (such as path computation engine) that would be normally invoked 
if the client called a YANG RPC (e.g. as defined by the Path Computation 
model). In other words it is calling by the client an RPC deferred until the 
specified Event.
[Qin]: I understand you are looking into TE path computation use case. If ECA 
model can support path computation API, that will be brilliant,☺

In addition, when we talk about how to use ECA model, are we focusing  using 
ECA model in the external interface between NMS and router or are you focusing 
on using ECA model as internal script to manipulate service logic?

IB>> The latter. This is what pushing (imperative or declarative) policies down 
to the network server usually means.

 [Qin]: I think both are needed to provided event driven network management, 
first, the management system put down ECA policy to the managed device using 
NETCONF interface, secondly, ECA script is generated from ECA policy in the 
managed device.

3. Evaluation of ECA Conditions, as well as input to ECA Actions may require 
not just instantaneous network states, but also accumulation/computation of 
thereof over periods of time (e.g. min/max/mean leaf values, history data, 
threshold overstep counters, results of various 
functions/computations/algorithms performed on network states over time, etc.) 
Hence there is a need for storage of intermediate results of such computations. 
Our contribution introduces such storage in the form of Policy Variables (PVs). 
PVs could be part of Condition expressions, as well as Action inputs along with 
instant network states. PVs also could appear in notifications PUSHed to the 

[Qin]: If you follows 

You will see we have already considered what state needs to be held, current 
state and history state, and where this state is held.

Basic state of ECA include: Event Name, event occurrence time, start time, end 
time, threshold value, etc.

I think it is challenging to store all the states and it adds complexity of 
server implantation.

IB>> No, I am talking about defining /pushing by the client and executing by 
the server arbitrary logic in the form of ECAs. This logic, for example, may 
instruct the server how to recover from various network failures under extreme 
time constraints. It may also instruct the server how to identify and report 
"interesting" for the client  events and data, rather than stream raw data  99% 
of which to be parched, evaluated and discarded as uninteresting

[Qin]: yeah, network failure recovery and filtering unwanted data are two valid 
use cases we are aiming at also. I am fascinating on function-call you 
proposed, I am wondering where you store these computation results, why not 
defined it as mathematics function, just provide input
And then get output, but the problem where to store these output, in addition, 
how many policy-argument you can support? I seems only two policy-arguments are 
supported? If we support mathematics function, you can support more than two 
policy arguments, right?

IB2>>The answer is PVs. See above. Without PVs you are limited only to 
instantaneous network states to work with. This may be sufficient for PUSH 
event scoping, but not for generic ECAs
[Qin-2]: I agree to have PV or target to store post processed network states or 
the value of managed data object. The model proposed in draft-wwx is mingled in 
between, cover whole push event scoping but doesn’t cover arithmetic, function 
calls, RPC for generic ECAs.

4. Notifications triggered by ECA s require definition beyond what is defined 
by PUSH models, so that the notifications could be properly associated by the 
client with a given execution of a given ECA.  Said definition could be found 
in https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-bryskin-netconf-automation-yang/.

[Qin]:Good, we also provide a few use cases in the section 4 of 
draft-bwd-netmod-eca-framework-00 to discuss how notification is sent to the 
NMS to trigger another ECA policy execution, we also could support One event 
invoke another event, depends on use cases,

IB>> Note that ECAs is not about intense communication between the client and 
the server, rather, quite the opposite - it is about pushing ECAs down to the 
server and let the server perform the instructed event driven network management

[Qin]: We are aligned on this core case.

The use case we like to aim at is service assurance use case and network 
troubleshooting self-management use case.

We have more points to discuss, but what is above is a good starting point.

Igor (and Xufeng)

On Saturday, November 2, 2019, 10:33:40 AM EDT, Lou Berger 
<lber...@labn.net<mailto:lber...@labn.net>> wrote:

    Thanks for the update.

To answer your question as well as respond to the related thread, as
chair, I generally think it best to adopt once there is consensus in the
WG on a direction to take with respect to the topic covered by a draft.
That is not to say that a fully formed or documented solution is
required at adoption but that if there are several different approaches
available, that the adopted work reflects the direction that the WG will

In this case, the current rev is certainly a step in that direction, but
the WG still as two different basic approaches available to it in this
draft and draft-bryskin-netconf-automation-yang.  I personally always
prefer it when individual draft authors can find common ground and come
to the WG with a single (unified) proposal rather than ask the working
group to choose one over the other.  I'm not sure who among the authors
will be in Singapore, but perhaps the authors can take the opportunity
to meet to discuss the possibly of such a unified proposal as well
report back to the working group on their progress/status.  Time
permitting, we should at least hear a summary of each approach so that
if a unified approach is not proposed that the WG is better informed on
the proposals.


On 11/1/19 11:02 PM, Qin Wu wrote:
> v-04 is posted to address chairs' comments,
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-wwx-netmod-event-yang-04
> the main changes include:
>    o  Add text in introduction section to clarify the usage examples of
>      ECA policy
>    o  Update objective section to align with use cases.
>    o  Clarify the relationship between target and policy variable.
>    o  Change variation trigger condition back into threshold trigger
>      condition and clarify the usage of three trigger conditions.
>    o  Remove Event MIB related section.
>    o  Add new coauthors and contributors.
> Chairs, what is the next step?
> -Qin (on behalf of authors)
> -----邮件原件-----
> 发件人: I-D-Announce 
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> 代表 internet-dra...@ietf.org<mailto:internet-dra...@ietf.org>
> 发送时间: 2019年11月2日 10:57
> 收件人: i-d-annou...@ietf.org<mailto:i-d-annou...@ietf.org>
> 主题: I-D Action: draft-wwx-netmod-event-yang-04.txt
> A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts 
> directories.
>        Title          : A YANG Data model for ECA Policy Management
>        Authors        : Michael Wang
>                          Qin Wu
>                          Chongfeng Xie
>                          Igor Bryskin
>                          Xufeng Liu
>                          Alexander Clemm
>                          Henk Birkholz
>                          Tianran Zhou
>     Filename        : draft-wwx-netmod-event-yang-04.txt
>     Pages          : 32
>     Date            : 2019-11-01
> Abstract:
>    RFC8328 defines a policy-based management framework that allow
>    definition of a data model to be used to represent high-level,
>    possibly network-wide policies.  Policy discussed in RFC8328 are
>    classified into imperative policy and declarative policy, ECA policy
>    is an typical example of imperative policy.  This document defines an
>    YANG data model for the ECA policy management.  The ECA policy YANG
>    provides the ability for the network management function (within a
>    controller, an orchestrator, or a network element) to control the
>    configuration and monitor state change on the network element and
>    take simple and instant action when a trigger condition on the system
>    state is met.
> The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is:
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-wwx-netmod-event-yang/
> There are also htmlized versions available at:
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-wwx-netmod-event-yang-04
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-wwx-netmod-event-yang-04
> A diff from the previous version is available at:
> https://www.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url2=draft-wwx-netmod-event-yang-04
> Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission 
> until the htmlized version and diff are available at tools.ietf.org.
> Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:
> ftp://ftp.ietf.org/internet-drafts/
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