IMO this is a problem with pyang/yanglint not the model. By the way for me 
pyang 2.2.1 does not indicate an error.


Line 381:(379) defines 

typedef stream-ref {

    type leafref {

      path "/sn:streams/sn:stream/sn:name";

This is just a type so it is unknown if it is config=false or true.


The only place stream-ref is used is line 591

          type stream-ref {

            require-instance false;


According to

If the referring node represents configuration data and the

   "require-instance" property (Section 9.9.3 
<> ) is "true", the referred

   node MUST also represent configuration.


However as the require-instance is false, this should not be a problem.


Regards Balazs

P.S> As yanglint does not provide line numbers it is hard to judge what it 
exactly wants.



From: netconf <> On Behalf Of Mahesh Jethanandani
Sent: 2020. március 13., péntek 21:14
To: Netconf <>;
Subject: [netconf] yanglint errors for ietf-subscribed-notifications


As I mentioned in the other thread, I am seeing errors while trying to use 
yanglint to validate examples for modules that import 
ietf-subscribed-notifications. I see it with ietf-notification-capabilities and 
with my own draft ietf-https-notif. These errors do not appear with confd. 


Using ietf-notification-capabilites and the first example in the -12 version of 
the draft which I call examples-notification-capabilities-1.xml, and released 
models for ietf-yang-push and ietf-subscribed-notifications, I see two issues. 
The first one related to the statement 'required-instance’ in 
ietf-subscribed-notifications is discussed on the other thread, and I do not 
want to repeat it here. If I comment out the only instance of 
‘required-instance’ in the module, I run into more errors:


bash-3.2$ yanglint -s -i -t auto -p /Volumes/External/git/iana/yang-parameters/ 

err : The leafref leaf is config but refers to a non-config leaf. 

err : Invalid value "subscription-policy" of "uses". 

err : Copying data from grouping failed. 

err : Module "ietf-subscribed-notifications" parsing failed.

err : Importing "ietf-subscribed-notifications" module into "ietf-yang-push" 

err : Module "ietf-yang-push" parsing failed.

err : Importing "ietf-yang-push" module into "ietf-notification-capabilities" 

err : Module "ietf-notification-capabilities" parsing failed.


While pyang gives the following error:


bash-3.2$  pyang -f tree ietf-subscribed-notificati...@2019-09-09.yang 
<mailto:ietf-subscribed-notificati...@2019-09-09.yang>  > 

<mailto:ietf-subscribed-notificati...@2019-09-09.yang> :381: error: the path 
for stream is config but refers to a non-config leaf "name" defined at 
<mailto:ietf-subscribed-notificati...@2019-09-09.yang> :1046


Have other encountered this error? If we agree this is an error, is there a 
-bis to fix this?




Mahesh Jethanandani <> 




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