
1) Please SEND your slides by EOB (EDT) today!  (i.e., in about 8 hours from 

     This is so they can be uploaded to material manager with sufficient time
     before the meeting so that them may be reviewed by participants before
     the meeting (this is especially important for our non-English native

2) Please ensure that SLIDE NUMBERS are on each slide (w/ title slide optional)

     For those that join only by phone can follow along.

3) Please send PowerPoint (PPTX or PPT).

    FWIW, yesterday’s message said to send PDF, but that preference 
    was/is a holdover from before to workaround an in meeting-room 
    Chromebook display issue...

Again, the goal is that the chairs will drive (screen share) for the entire 
meeting.  This is primarily to avoid any possible sharing issues that may arise.

The NETMOD Chairs

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