Thanks Adrian for valuable comments, see reply inline below.
发件人: netmod [] 代表 Adrian Farrel
发送时间: 2020年12月8日 18:51
收件人: 'Lou Berger' <>; 'NETMOD Group' <>
抄送: 'NetMod WG Chairs' <>
主题: Re: [netmod] Adoption poll for draft-wwx-netmod-event-yang-10


I have generally been sceptical about Intention-based network operations within 
the IETF, and I was ambivalent about this document at the first adoption poll. 

However, I think that some good work has been done since then and the document 
has reached a level where the WG could adopt it and further refine it. There is 
clearly a body of people who want to work on it, and it seems to be within the 
WG scope, so I support adoption.

I also think that splitting this piece off the larger body of Intention-based 
work is a wise first step.
[Qin]: Thanks ,Agree.

Here are a few comments for the authors based on a quick reading...

I appreciate the brevity of the Abstract, but I don't find it very clear. 
Specifically, what is "the server" and what role would it play absent this YANG 
model? Conversely, who/what is delegating some of the network management 
functions? And lastly, is the choice of which network management functions to 
delegate well known (I assume it is) or up to an implementation?

[Qin]: Good comment, I think the server is referred to an entity that provides 
access to YANG-defined data to a client, over some network management protocol. 
I will quote the terminology defined in RFC7950 for the "server" defined in 
this document.
The client, more precisely the remote client, i.e., NMS or management system 
will delegate the network management functions, these network management 
functions will realize the ECA logic or ECA Policy management. 
The choice of which network management function should be well known, that's 
why define this model and associated ECA XPath Function Library to make sure
these network management function can be implemented in the standard way or 
interoperable way.

The first mention of "ECA" comes in...
   This document defines an ECA Policy management YANG data model.
I think you need to:
- Expand the abbreviation
- Explain in one or two sentences what ECA is
[Qin]: Good suggestion, here is the proposed change:
This document defines a YANG data model for Event Condition Action (ECA) policy 
Event Condition Action (ECA) provides the structure of active rules in 
event-driven architecture which exhibits self-management 
properties such as self-configuration, self-healing, self-optimization, and 
self-protection. This document defines a YANG data 
model for ECA policy management.

Section 2.1
You need to update to the more recent boilerplate that mentions RFC 8174

[Qin] Good catch, will change the boilerplate and add reference to RFC8174.

Section 2.1
You use the term "Event Stream" without defining it
[Qin]: Will reference RFC5277 for event stream definition, thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: netmod <> On Behalf Of Lou Berger
Sent: 07 December 2020 22:28
To: NETMOD Group <>
Cc: NetMod WG Chairs <>
Subject: [netmod] Adoption poll for draft-wwx-netmod-event-yang-10

This email begins a 2-week adoption poll for:

Please voice your support or technical objections on list before the end of 
December 21, any time zone.

Thank you!

Netmod Chairs

PS Note the IPR poll is running concurrently as the private response all 
indicated that no IPR exists.  The draft will not be formally adopted until 
both the IPR and WG polls are complete.

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