On T4 (gaps in revision numbers and revision history), I have some proposed 
text for both draft-ietf-netmod-yang-module-versioning and 
draft-ietf-netmod-yang-semver.  See these diffs (some changes are due to 
xml2rfc changes, but you'll note the more substantive text additions).  

module-versioning : 

yang-semver : 


On 1/12/21 13:43, Sterne, Jason (Nokia - CA/Ottawa) wrote:
YANG Versioning Weekly Call Minutes - 2021-01-12

Topics and owners for Feb virtual interim:

Reshad - editor for YANG versioning draft
Jason - coordinate virtual interim, agenda. Do introduction at VI.

T1) Definition/meaning of BC vs NBC for config false nodes
- Balazs

T2) IANA considerations: how are final RFC revision labels assigned ?
- Rob

T3) YANG file naming when revision labels are being used (symbolic links? 
@<revision-label>) ?
- Reshad to prepare material, TBD to present/lead at VI

T4) SemVer: gaps in history, removing revision statements
- Joe

We spent most of the time discussing Balazs' rules for backwards compatibility 
of config false nodes (T1 above):
- clients SHOULD be able to deal with (not crash) unexpected output
- some changes to config false nodes should be BC (increasing value space 
within the same type), some will be NBC (e.g. removing mandatory, changing type)
- the YANG author can mark a change that increases value space as NBC if they 
feel it is significant & breaks compatibility

We also talked briefly about Rob's proposal for IANA considerations (T2 above).
- we may also want some guidance for RFC editors (coordinate with authors on 
final SemVer for example)

Next week we'll continue focus on the four Virtual Interim topics.

Other topics we need to get back to at some point:
- whitespace
- github issues (left off at #15)


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