GDPR uses the term 'personal data' and I assume for many leafs in a
data model the answer whether a leaf is 'personal data' is not simple
to answer given that also data items belong to 'personal data' if they
combined with other information can identify a natural person.
For example, is an IPv6 prefix 'personal data'? Well, it depends...

  ‘personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or
  identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable
  natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly,
  in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an
  identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one
  or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic,
  mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural

Another possible question is whether the act of tagging (or not
tagging) leafs in a data model has a legal liability component at the
if the processing of data depends on such tags. Well, that surely
depends on what the presence of such a tag implies, does such a tag
control access to data on a NC/RC server (nacm:default-deny-all), does
it control storage of data outside a NC/RC server, does it control
processing of data outside a NC/RC server?

What you need I think are context (deployment) specific tags, static
data model tags likely only work for the (obvious) trivial cases and
may mislead people to be GDPR compliant while they are not.


On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 09:49:32AM +0000, Balázs Lengyel wrote:
> Hello,
> Netconf/Restconf can transfer a lot of data. Some of this data can be
> personal/private like end-user names, personal phone records, street
> addresses. Is there a way to marks such data as private? I am thinking about
> something like putting a YANG extension in the data models:
> extension private-data {
>     description
>       "Indicates that a leaf or leaf-list contains private data.
>     argument privacy-type;
>   }
> Is there any standard solution for this or any proposal ? In the world of
> GDPR we should be thinking about this.
> Regards Balazs
> -- 
> Balazs Lengyel                    Senior Specialist
> Ericsson Hungary Ltd. 
> Mobile: +36-70-330-7909              email:

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