Carsten Bormann <> wrote:
    cb> How about
    cb> {::include foo-????-??-??.yang}
    cb> and, if there is no such file, kramdown-rfc expands the wild card in
    cb> the directory and uses the numerically latest file?
    >> You'd use shell globs?

    > Yes.  Any need to go beyond that?

    >> I think it might be better to use PCRE.

    > Much more typing and backslash-mangling, and I don’t see the use case.

DOS/Windows people don't get shell globs, and "?" is not something they know.

    >> It might be better to have this as "winclude"

    > So ‘loseclude’ would be including all matches?


    > (What does the “w” stand for?)


    cb> (There might also be a use-case for actually including all these
    cb> files, so I’m still in thinking mode, but I think this is close.)

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