AFAIK I did not copy any old material. Balazs

-----Original Message-----
From: Carsten Bormann <> 
Sent: 2021. szeptember 9., csütörtök 23:25
To: Balázs Lengyel <>
Subject: Re: [netmod] Unknown idnits error

On 2021-09-09, at 19:12, Balázs Lengyel 
<> wrote:
> Couldn't figure out when the document was first submitted -- there may
>      comments or warnings related to the use of a disclaimer for pre-RFC5378
>      work that could not be issued because of this.

My experience is that this message is caused by hiccups of the idnits tool in 
retrieving metadata. 
certainly has no problems figuring that out.

(The question is whether you are copying from/evolving from material that was 
submitted before RFC 5378 went into force, in which case you might need a 
different ipr= attribute.  Most likely your text is not that old!  So this is a 
red herring.)

Grüße, Carsten

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