On Mon, Sep 27, 2021 at 10:42 AM Randy Presuhn <
randy_pres...@alumni.stanford.edu> wrote:

> Hi -
> On 2021-09-27 10:13 AM, Andy Bierman wrote:
> ...
> > SNMP GetNext and GetBulk do not handle missing nodes well at all, so it
> > became
> > common practice to return 0 or -1, etc. to simplify client processing of
> > these operations.
> > None of the YANG-based protocols have this problem.
> In what way would "missing node" processing be substantially different
> between the two protocol families?  In both cases the server locator
> methods need to be able to be able to skip over "not present" instances,
> and will get messy if the instrumented code has adopted the otherwise
> tidier paradigm of row/instance-wise registration rather than a general
> access method for all instances of the class.  For the client I can't
> see any substantial difference at all between needs to happen to process
> the results correctly.
NETCONF and RESTCONF do not have "row skew" problems.
They return subtrees, not individual varbinds like SNMP.
Retrieving a "table row" in SNMP is much more complicated when some
columns are unimplemented. A YANG subtree includes all the data the
client is allowed to view, including augmenting nodes.

That said, in my non-YANG experience it's a lot cleaner to generate code
> to handle sentinel values (and a lot harder for implementers to ignore
> them) than it is to assign ambiguous semantics to "missing data" cases.
> Randy

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