On 2021-11-24, at 09:13, Ladislav Lhotka <ladislav.lho...@nic.cz> wrote:
> Please let me know what you think about this.

I think it is amazing.

So for each registry, you have

— manually extracted an information model and kept that in your head,
— written code that translates the information you could extract from the XML 
form of the registry into a YANG data model (note that this data model is not 
defining the registry, but it is the translated content of the registry)

This is certainly highly useful.
It also requires to essentially start from scratch for each new registry.
Shouldn’t registries come with a machine readable information model?
Shouldn’t it then be “easy” to build a generic tool that creates a YANG model 
out of the data in the registry?

Grüße, Carsten

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