
Sorry if (as is quite likely) this is a duplicate.

I noticed from that
there's a (long-standing?) problem in iana-if-type.yang
it has multiple revision statements with the same date:

  revision 2018-06-28 {
      "Registered ifType 294.";

  revision 2018-06-28 {
      "Registered ifType 293.";

This has presumably happened as a result of an automated update script that
doesn't check for this case (*)? From a quick scan, I didn't see anything
in RFC 7950 banning duplicate revision dates, but RFC 8407 section 4.8 says
"*If the module contents have changed, then the revision date of that new
module version MUST be updated to a date later than that of the previous
version*" and of course yangdump-pro is checking this.

I think that this should be fixed. What's the best way to achieve this?


(*) In the rare event that multiple changes are made in the same day,
perhaps the second change should be (strictly wrongly) assigned to the
following day. In theory this could cause revision dates to run far into
the future but in practice I don't think this will happen :).
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