
I'd like to formally close this (and the other) LC -- by saying the same thing for both.

There were some good comments made during the LC that should be addressed before publication.  Authors, as I'm sure you are doing so already, please work through all public and private comments received; preferably with on-list discussion.  Once you publish a version that addresses all received comments as well as the on-list discussions, please summarize the changes to the WG.  Also please state that the document is ready for publication. The need for a second last call will be based on the specific changes.

Thank you!

Lou (Co-Chair & doc Shepherd)

On 2/21/2022 12:20 PM, Lou Berger wrote:


This starts working group last call on

The working group last call ends on March 7 th.
Please send your comments to the working group mailing list.

Positive comments, e.g., "I've reviewed this document
and believe it is ready for publication", are welcome!
This is useful and important, even from authors.

Please note that once WG Last call is complete, this document will be
held and submitted as a set with the other versioning documents (once
they are ready) for publication request to the IESG.

Thank you,
Lou (Co-Chair & doc Shepherd)

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