Hello Kent, Andy,
I see more problems with an access control based immutable solution.
- user-dependency as Kent mentioned
- it is always possible to insert a new rule(set) at the beginning of the NACM 
list that overrides other rules. We would need to ensure that these rules stay 
the first
- there is a need to protect the access control rules protecting immutable data 
nodes; then rules to protect the rules that protect the rules that protect ...
- access control can be switched off
- access control does not work for emergency sessions
- access control rules that reference different part of the systems are MUCH 
more difficult to understand than a yang-extension statement immutable. 
Especially if you have an access control list with many (hundreds of) rules
Regards Balazs

From: netmod <netmod-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Kent Watsen
Sent: Wednesday, 23 March, 2022 23:07
To: Andy Bierman <a...@yumaworks.com>
Cc: netmod@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [netmod] Alternative approach to draft-ma-netmod-immutable-flag-00

Hi Andy,

The draft allows individual data instance nodes (e.g., in a list) to be flagged 
as immutable:

   The following terms are defined in this document:

   immutable:  A metadata annotation indicating the immutability of a

      data node.  An immutable data node is read-only to clients.  Note

      that "immutable" is used to annotate instances of YANG data nodes

      rather than schema nodes.  For instance, a "list" data node may

      exist in multiple instances in the data tree, "immutable" can

      annotate some of the instances as read-only, while others are not.

If it were not for that, then an access-control refinement seems appropriate, 
because then it would have to be user-specific, whereas this draft enables 
user-independant immutability.

As for *why* this draft enables individual data instance nodes to be flagged as 
immutable (a question asked in other recent review comments), please note that 
this work came out of the "with-system" work after a number of folks (myself 
included) noted that the concept was independent of a <system> datastore.  For 
instance, I defined a similar mechanism in a past life to handle objects 
published from a host-system to logical-systems (LNEs).

The most common example for such a need is with interfaces, e.g., the 
host-system publishes "eth-3.1.2" to a logical-system, where it is unable to 
delete it (whereas it is deletable in the host-system's config).  That said 
(playing devil's advocate), I wonder if, in this example, the interfaces, when 
published to a logical-system, should be published to the <system> datastore 
(because they're effectively a system-defined resource then, from the LNE's 
POV) and hence pickup their immutability that way.

Kent // contributor

On Mar 23, 2022, at 4:09 PM, Andy Bierman 
<a...@yumaworks.com<mailto:a...@yumaworks.com>> wrote:


IMO the problem should be viewed as a refinement to the
access control policy of the device.  A standard mechanism
such as a YANG extension would be better than a growing
mix of proprietary solutions.

We have such a YANG extension called "user-write" that is widely deployed.
A simple boolean is not fine enough granularity, so a bits type is
needed instead to allow control of create, update, and delete access operations.



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