On Thu, Apr 07, 2022 at 08:39:01AM +0000, Kent Watsen wrote:
> Juergen et. al. ,
> > What are our options?
> > 
> > a) Do nothing and accept that types are called as they are.
> > b) Change the types as suggested and accept that doing so breaks
> >   modules where zone indexes are meaningful.
> > c) Deprecate the types and create a new module defining new types
> >   so that modules can opt-in to use better names.
> > d) Deprecate the -no-zone types and move back to have a single
> >   type for IP addresses.
> What’s the value of (d)?  Seems like keeping is better, if only to guide 
> readers towards knowing the base types include zones.  And, besides, any 
> module-designer wishing to restrict zones would then have to create their own 
> “no-zone” types. 

I added d) for completeness.
> > Any other options?
> e) define new types “*-with-zone”
>  and deprecate existing “ip*-address” types and recast the “*-no-zone” types 
> as derived from the *-with-zone types?  This way it is always a conscious 
> decision. 

Yes, looks like a valid 5th option.

My understanding is that we currently enumerate the options, not their
pros and cons and whether we like them or not.

> > How are we going to pick between them?
> I don’t think Errata works, since 6991 defining the *-no-zone types makes it 
> clear what intended. 

Yes, my understanding is that the type definitions are clear and
unambiguous. The issue is that the names tend to mislead people.


Jürgen Schönwälder              Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
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