Hi, I've been looking at how to move RFC8366 from YANG-DATA/RFC8040 to RFC8791.
I think that maybe we can solve the multiple inclusion/derivation problem in
8791 space rather than 8040 space.

I extracted the A.1. "structure" Example to a file and ran:
   -f tree --tree-print-groupings example-module.yang

and I get nothing out, because that example module doesn't actually express
something, just defines a structure.
At least, that's what I think. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.

I look back at what I did with draft-ietf-core-sid, and actually I don't see
any clear difference.  So how do I get the tree structure printed from the
examples in RFC8791?

Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca>   . o O ( IPv6 IøT consulting )
           Sandelman Software Works Inc, Ottawa and Worldwide

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