Andy Bierman <> writes:

> On Fri, Dec 9, 2022 at 8:29 AM Acee Lindem (acee) <> wrote:
>> Top posting to assure everyone reads:
>> I don’t think I could of come up with a better strategy to guarantee that
>> IETF YANG models aren’t used if I tried. We’ll still specify them in IETF
>> document and they’ll provide a useful reference model for other SDOs and
>> vendor native models, but no one is going to implement and deploy them.
> This is already happening. e.g.
> After all the churn and complexity introduced by the "NMDA redo", we should
> be extra careful
> not to do that again.  SDOs and vendors need a stable foundation on which
> to build their
> domain-specific data models.

It is interesting that the same three-phase doom scenario for schema languages 
happens over and over again (it happened e.g. to W3C Schema, DSDL, 

1. A small group produces version X, it has some flaws and nobody cares.

2. The same group produces version Y that becomes quite (or wildly) popular;
   the number of stakeholders increases, and new features start to creep in.

3. A much larger group embarks on developing version Z, sometimes they
   even succeed, but the final result is a kitchen sink of features so
   complicated that nobody cares about it again.

For YANG Y = 1.1, and phase 3 is well underway.


> Thanks,
>> Acee
> Andy
>> *From: *netmod <> on behalf of Andy Bierman <
>> *Date: *Friday, December 9, 2022 at 11:19 AM
>> *To: *Kent Watsen <>
>> *Cc: *"" <>
>> *Subject: *Re: [netmod] I-D Action: draft-ietf-netmod-rfc6991-bis-14.txt
>> On Fri, Dec 9, 2022 at 7:41 AM Kent Watsen <> wrote:
>> The idea to encode all relevant semantics of a type in a type's name
>> has far-reaching consequences:
>> - Are we going to deprecate counter32 and introduce
>>   non-zero-based-counter32 because we have also zero-based-counter32?
>> - Do we introduce date-and-time-with-optional-zone-offset and
>>   deprecate date-and-time?
>> I wish we had guiding principles for such naming decisions or, perhaps, it
>> is a matter of the type's definition.
>> The current date-and-time is not ambiguous because it asserts that either
>> a 'Z' or an offset is present, making impossible for implementations to
>> assume a zoneless form.  Whereas the current ip-address is ambiguous
>> because it silently accepts the "without" form, leading to surprise in some
>> implementations when the expanded form is "unexpectedly" passed.
>> Having well-defined guidance could prevent future missteps.
>> The definition of ip-address (published in 2010) was the right thing
>> to do since the optional zone index can disambiguate IP addresses in
>> situations where this is needed. In 2013, we also provided the
>> ip-address-no-zone definition to be used in situations where there is
>> never a need to disambiguate IP addresses (e.g., when the zone is
>> known from the context).
>> Trying to focus just on this proposal, not extrapolate the trend...
>> For 10 years we have had 2 typedefs for IP address:
>>   - ip-address
>>   - ip-address-no-zone
>> This should be enough (even without reading the module!) to determine
>> 1 form has a zone, and 1 does not.
>> But nobody reads the YANG module so they didn't know about
>> ip-address-no-zone.
>> So how will they know about ip-address-zone either?
>> Because tooling would flag "ip-address" as deprecated and the description
>> statement would say to use the "with-zone" form?
>> There is no reason to deprecate something to replace it with the exact
>> same semantics, but a different name.
>> The only reason to deprecate something is because it will be removed in
>> the future,
>> Deprecating and obsoleting such a critical data type would be highly
>> disruptive.
>> Many vendors and SDOs may refuse to do it.
>> YANG Catalog search shows 1486 modules import the ip-address typedef.
>> I suspect the number is about twice that.
>> So we want to tell the world:
>> "You have to stop using ip-address and use this new type instead".
>> "Why? What's wrong with it?"
>> "Nothing. We decided after 13 years we like this name better."
>> A number of issues were raised (misconfigurations, OpenConfig, etc.).
>> What are these operational problems that are caused because of the name
>> ip-address?
>> IMO it would be far worse to take away the most important typedef in YANG.
>> We have never heard any issues at all from customers about problems
>> implementing ip-address.
>> As Martin pointed out, the server MUST check for values such as
>> that are
>> accepted by the typedef pattern but not the leaf semantics. Checking for a
>> zone index
>> is no different.  The ip-address typedef has been clarified in the draft
>> update.  That is sufficient.
>> Kent // contributor
>> Andy
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