The chairs want to follow up on this Last Call. 

We had some excellent discussion and wanted to ensure that that discussion had 
time to play out.  We think think that there is still a path forward for "rough 
consensus" on the these drafts.  To help move the discussion to closure and aid 
in judging overall WG consensus (beyond just those who have already voiced an 
opinion on the list), we have asked the draft authors to put together a summary 
of key open issues/questions, to send their summary  to the list, and then to 
lead a discussion on these issues during our meeting at IETF 117.  Please do 
feel free to continue the discussion on the list. We are particularly 
interested in hearing from those who have not yet voiced their opinions - both 
on list, and in the meeting.

We appreciate all who have contributed over this extended effort - notably 
those who have spent many hours in the regular working meetings.

Thank you,
Lou and Kent

> On May 8, 2023, at 6:49 PM, Kent Watsen <kent+i...@watsen.net> wrote:
> This message begins a joint two-week WGLC for 
> draft-ietf-netmod-yang-semver-11 and 
> draft-ietf-netmod-yang-module-versioning-09
> ending on Monday, May 22nd.  Neither draft has IPR declared.  Here are the 
> direct links to the HTML version for these drafts:
>   - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-netmod-yang-semver-11
>   - 
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-netmod-yang-module-versioning-09
> Positive comments, e.g., "I've reviewed this document and believe it is ready 
> for publication", are welcome!  This is useful and important, even from 
> authors.  Objections, concerns, and suggestions are also welcomed at this 
> time.
> Thank you,
> Kent and Lou (chairs)
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