Hi Florian,

Florian Kauer <florian.ka...@linutronix.de> writes:

> Hi,
> I know this is bad timing since Qcw was just published, but - at least with 
> libyang - the following YANG data tree that specifies nothing Qcw related is 
> no longer valid when just loading the Qcw YANG models:
> interface.json:
> {
>   "ietf-interfaces:interfaces": {
>     "interface": [
>       {
>         "if-index": 1,
>         "name": "eth0",
>         "type": "iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd",
>         "oper-status": "down",
>         "admin-status": "down",
>         "statistics": {
>           "discontinuity-time": "2023-12-15T10:04:12.345+00:00"
>         }
>       }
>     ]
>   }
> }
> yanglint interface.json ieee802-dot1q-sched.yang 
> ieee802-dot1q-sched-bridge.yang ieee802-types.yang ieee802-dot1q-types.yang 
> ieee802-dot1q-bridge.yang iana-if-t...@2023-01-26.yang 
> ietf-interfa...@2018-02-20.yang
> results into
> libyang err : Number of elements in admin-control-list must not be 
> greaterthan supported-list-max (Data location 
> "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface[name='eth0']/ieee802-dot1q-bridge:bridge-port/ieee802-dot1q-sched-bridge:gate-parameter-table/admin-control-list".)
> libyang err : Number of elements in oper-control-list must not be greaterthan 
> supported-list-max (Data location 
> "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface[name='eth0']/ieee802-dot1q-bridge:bridge-port/ieee802-dot1q-sched-bridge:gate-parameter-table/oper-control-list".)
> libyang err : admin-cycle-time must not be greater than supported-cycle-max 
> (Data location 
> "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface[name='eth0']/ieee802-dot1q-bridge:bridge-port/ieee802-dot1q-sched-bridge:gate-parameter-table/admin-cycle-time".)
> libyang err : oper-cycle-time must not be greater than supported-cycle-max 
> (Data location 
> "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface[name='eth0']/ieee802-dot1q-bridge:bridge-port/ieee802-dot1q-sched-bridge:gate-parameter-table/oper-cycle-time".)
> YANGLINT[E]: Failed to parse input data file "interface.json".
> My first expectation was a bug in libyang, but Michal is convinced that 
> libyang's behavior is correct in this regard:
> https://github.com/CESNET/libyang/issues/2140
> I have not enough experience in YANG to properly argue if either the YANG 
> model or libyang needs to be changed, but I don't think we want to force 
> every interface to specify a
> /ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface[name='eth0']/ieee802-dot1q-bridge:bridge-port/ieee802-dot1q-sched-bridge:gate-parameter-table/supported-list-max
> etc. just because the Qcw YANG models are loaded.
> I hope I have just a misunderstanding and I am looking forward to your 
> responses!

I am afraid I don't have good news. Apparently, the problem is in this "must" 

  "(count(./gate-control-entry) <= ../supported-list-max)" {
    "Number of elements in admin-control-list must not be greater"+
    "than supported-list-max";

The Xpath expression can never be true unless the "../supported-list-max" leaf 
exists. This is a common XPath trap, it should have been written like so:

  "not(count(./gate-control-entry) > ../supported-list-max)"

This would be true also in the case when "../supported-list-max" doesn't exist.


> Greetings,
> Florian
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