Hi Mahesh, all,

Thank you for the review and comments. We just posed 

Please see more context inline.


De : netmod <netmod-boun...@ietf.org> De la part de Mahesh Jethanandani
Envoyé : mardi 5 décembre 2023 23:09
À : Lou Berger <lber...@labn.net>
Cc : NETMOD Group <netmod@ietf.org>; NetMod WG Chairs <netmod-cha...@ietf.org>
Objet : Re: [netmod] WG Last Call: draft-ietf-netmod-acl-extensions-03


I do support this work, as it is much needed, and would like to see it 
progress. However, I do believe that the document needs to undergo a revision 
to qualify for LC. Some of the comments are editorial or minor, and can be 
addressed easily, but others are not. They should all be addressed for the WG 
to call the document ready.

- The Security Considerations section has both the read/write nodes and the 
read-only nodes as empty (or marked as TBC, which I imagine stands for To Be 
Completed). This needs to be filled out, or if no nodes are worth any security 
considerations, it should be stated so, and why.

[Med] ACK. We don't repeat what is already in 8519 but focus on key additions 
in the spec: https://github.com/boucadair/enhanced-acl-netmod/pull/65/files

- Isn't the YANG model normative portion of the document? Isn't what this 
document all about? Why is it then in the Appendix?

[Med] We are using a script to generate the IANA modules + we are actually 
following this part from the 8407bis:

   It is RECOMMENDED to include the URL from where to retrieve the
   recent version of the module.  When a script is used, the Internet-
   Draft that defines an IANA-maintained module SHOULD include an
   appendix with the initial full version of the module.  Including such
   an appendix in pre-RFC versions is meant to assess the correctness of
   the outcome of the supplied script.  The authors MUST include a note
   to the RFC Editor requesting that the appendix be removed before
   publication as RFC and that RFC IIII is replaced with the RFC number
   that is assigned to the document.  Initial versions of IANA-
   maintained modules that are published in RFCs may be misused despite
   the appropriate language to refer to the IANA registry to retrieve
   the up-to-date module.

- Why is the Section titled "Initial Version of the The ICMPv4 Types 
IANA-Maintained Module", when the model in question is 
[Med] This was a typo. Fixed.

- 'defined-sets' and 'aliases' have been defined in a the separate model 
'ietf-acl-enh'. Are these sets and aliases defined to be used outside of ACL? 
If that is the case then having them outside the 'ietf-access-control-list' 
model makes sense. Otherwise, almost everything in the 'ietf-acl-enh' is an 
augmentation of the model defined in RFC 8519, as stated in the Introduction of 
the document

[Med] These are defined to be consumed for ACL policies.

"The YANG module in this document is solely based on augmentations to the ACL 
YANG module defined in [RFC8519]."

[Med] The intent was to highlight that we are not using a bis approach. Tweaked 
the paragraph that includes that text for better clarity.

If that is the case I see no reason why those containers should not be 
augmentations into the same model, as in

augment "/acl" {
  container defined-sets {

  container aliases {

- I just pulled down the latest version (-03) of the draft, and ran into this 

$ pyang ietf-acl-...@2022-10-24.yang<mailto:ietf-acl-...@2022-10-24.yang>
error: unexpected latest revision "2023-04-28" in 
should be "2020-09-25".

[Med] Fixed. Thanks.

- Section 3.4. TCP Flags Handling. The document states that.

"Clients that support both 'flags-bitmask' and 'flags' matching fields MUST NOT 
set these fields in the same request.".

Can the model have a must statement to prevent this from being configured 

[Med] We don't see how to do that with a must statement, hence the normative 
language in the narrative text.

Same for Section 3.5 Fragments Handling
[Med] Same answer :-)

- There should be clear direction to the RFC Editor on what should be done with 
revision dates. The same is true for other placeholder text. For example, what 
is the RFC Editor to do with text "RFC XXXX"?
[Med] Done: https://github.com/boucadair/enhanced-acl-netmod/pull/59/files

- References in the YANG model should be expanded to include the title of the 

[Med] We are echoing references as listed in an IANA registry, so we do not 
have control over that reference.

- Examples are always good. Not only can they be used to validate the model, 
but users get to understand how it can be used. See other models such as BGP, 
TCP, BFD on how an example can be added.

[Med] We do already have many in the core document. Will consider adding more 
if needed.

- How is this a reference?


          "- Bill Simpson 

[Med] We are echoing a reference as cited in an IANA registry, so we do not 
have control over that reference.

[Med] Thanks for the review. Much appreciated.

On Dec 4, 2023, at 3:00 PM, Lou Berger 
<lber...@labn.net<mailto:lber...@labn.net>> wrote:


This starts working group last call on

The working group last call ends on December 18th (any TZ).
Please send your comments to the working group mailing list.

Positive comments, e.g., "I've reviewed this document
and believe it is ready for publication", are welcome!
This is useful and important, even from authors.

Thank you,
Lou (Co-Chair & doc Shepherd)

netmod mailing list

Mahesh Jethanandani

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