On 30. Jun 2024, at 12:54, Kent Watsen <k...@watsen.net> wrote:
>> You SHOULD NOT stick a fork in an electrical outlet.
>> it should instead say something like:
>> Unless the fork is made out of non-conductive plastic, you SHOULD NOT stick 
>> it in an outlet. 

There is a good point lurking here.
The example is deeply wrong though. 

SHOULD is for situations in which the implementer/deployer/user has a reason to 
make a decision.
Your example does not involve a decision, but a condition; it is a conditional 
MUST (with a clearly defined condition).

I think the point the IESG was trying to make was that a SHOULD/SHOULD NOT 
without describing potential reasons why the ultimate decision might not comply 
(i.e., this was not a MUST/MUST NOT) is leaving the field too widely open.  
That is usually not the intent of a SHOULD (if it is, one can use a MAY 
instead, which also prepares the peer to prepare for non-compliance).

Grüße, Carsten

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