Hi Qin,

[Qin] Can we apply line wrapping defined in RFC8792 to tree diagram? Normally 
we apply it to text content in the document.

8792-folding can be exceptionally used per the following from 8407bis:

   Native YANG features (e.g., breaking line, "+") SHOULD be used to fit
   a module into the line limits.  Exceptionally, RFC8792-folding of
   YANG modules MAY be used if and only if native YANG features are not
   sufficient.  A similar approach (e.g., use "--yang-line-length 69" or
   split a tree into subtrees) SHOULD be followed for tree diagrams.


De : Qin Wu <bill...@huawei.com>
Envoyé : mercredi 11 septembre 2024 04:48
À : Kent Watsen <kent+i...@watsen.net>; BOUCADAIR Mohamed INNOV/NET 
Cc : Joe Clarke (jclarke) <jclarke=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org>; 
draft-ietf-netmod-syslog-mo...@ietf.org; netmod@ietf.org
Objet : RE: [netmod] Re: Paul Wouters' Discuss on 
draft-ietf-netmod-syslog-model-32: (with DISCUSS and COMMENT)

Separately, I noticed that the document does not seem to use the `rfcfold` 
utility (RFC 8792), which may be a different issue that could be fixed.

Kent // as author

[Qin] Can we apply line wrapping defined in RFC8792 to tree diagram? Normally 
we apply it to text content in the document.

On Sep 10, 2024, at 11:37 AM, 
mohamed.boucad...@orange.com<mailto:mohamed.boucad...@orange.com> wrote:


The tree as displayed in the draft does not actually adhere with this part in 

   YANG tree diagrams provide a concise representation of a YANG module
   and SHOULD be included to help readers understand YANG module
   structure.  If the complete tree diagram for a module becomes long
   (more than 2 pages, typically), the diagram SHOULD be split into
   several smaller diagrams (a.k.a subtrees).  For the reader's
   convenience, a subtree should fit within a page.  If the complete
   tree diagram is too long (more than 5 pages, typically) even with
   groupings unexpanded (Section 2.2 of [RFC8340]), the authors SHOULD
   NOT include it in the document.  A stable pointer to retrieve the
   full tree MAY be included.

On the tooling side, we do have the following in the 8407bis:

      The tooling may evolve in the future to provide better rendering
      of too long trees.  This tooling may offer (but not limited to),
      unfold trees, control of expanded views, ease navigation among
      various levels of a tree, support of hyperlinks, etc.  When such a
      tooling is available, too long trees can be displayed in the HTML
      version of documents that include such trees.

I know that Italo tried to have a discussion in 121 with Carsten for md(?), but 
I don’t know if that discussion actually happened. Italo can clarify this.
[Qin] if the picture can be embedded into pdf version or html version, this 
rendering issue can be easily solved since zoom in or zoom out picture is easy.


De : Kent Watsen <kent+i...@watsen.net<mailto:kent+i...@watsen.net>>
Envoyé : mardi 10 septembre 2024 17:07
À : Joe Clarke (jclarke) 
Cc : 
Objet : [netmod] Re: Paul Wouters' Discuss on 
draft-ietf-netmod-syslog-model-32: (with DISCUSS and COMMENT)

[removing the IESG]

Hi Joe, authors, and NETMOD.

On Sep 10, 2024, at 10:04 AM, Joe Clarke (jclarke) 

Thanks for the comments and feedback, Paul.  I’ve opened GitHub 
issuehttps://github.com/netmod-wg/syslog-model/issues/14 so Mahesh and I can 
track the necessary changes on our end.  See below for some initial responses.

The layout is completely broken / wrapped, making the document fairly
unreadable. Can this be fixed somehow ?

[JMC] Éric had the same comment, and I thought we’d be good just expanding the 
full tree.  However, it seems this is causing readability and confusion 
I ran into a similar “wrapping tree diagrams is ugly" comment in the suite of 
client-server drafts.   Not expanding the groupings in the tree diagrams helps, 
but still may not be enough - you just need to try and see how it looks.  That 
said, there is still one thing that can be done to improve the appearance of 
*folded” tree diagrams, which is epitomized by the following RFC Editor comment 
put into the documents:

         <t>Tree-diagrams in this draft may use the '&#92;' line-folding mode 
defined in RFC 8792.
           However, nicer-to-the-eye is when the '&#92;&#92;' line-folding mode 
is used.  The AD suggested
           suggested putting a request here for the RFC Editor to help convert 
"ugly" '&#92;' folded
           examples to use the '&#92;&#92;' folding mode.  "Help convert" may 
be interpreted as, identify
           what looks ugly and ask the authors to make the adjustment.</t>

PS: there is a desire to have Datatracker *unfold* folded artwork/sourcecode 
for document output formats that can support horizontal scrolling.  
Specifically, for an HTML-rendered document, the ideal is for examples to be 
unfolded and placed into a textbox that causes a browser to create a textbox 
with horizontal scrolling.   I’m unsure if there is an open-ticket for this 
work to get done.

Kent // as contributor


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